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qiú rén
  • ask for help
求人 [qiú rén]
  • [ask for help] 央求他人为自己办事

求人[qiú rén]
  1. 不要放不下自尊而不求人帮忙。

    Don 't be too proud to ask for help .

  2. 即或是那样,我也不愿求人帮忙。

    Even should that be the case , I wouldn 't ask for help .

  3. 与其求人,何如求己。

    It would be better to rely on ourselves than on others .

  4. 提出请求人需求诠释为何会有特别事情状况,并在特别事情状况下参照现时的PAM。

    The applicant needs to make a submission explaining why there are exceptional circumstances , having regard to the current PAM on exceptional circumstances .

  5. 我在今年3月的一篇专栏里求人发明一种定位我妻子(或者任何指定产品)在Sainsbury’s超市的位置的方法,这不是开玩笑。

    I was not joking in a March column when I begged for someone to invent a way of locating my wife - or indeed any given product - in Sainsbury 's.

  6. Ashrafi听说卡拉奇市的医生可以治好她的病,便求人把她带过去。

    Ashrafi had heard that doctors in Karachi might be able to cure her , and she asked if someone could take her .

  7. 只有这一次,布朗先生开口求人了。

    For once , Mr Brown was asking for support .

  8. 赔偿请求人申请撤回赔偿申请的;

    The compensation claimant applies for withdrawal of the application for compensation ;

  9. 海军将军怕麻烦,不屑于求人。

    The Admiral hates trouble , and scorns asking favours ;

  10. 用这个方法求人帮忙也太奇怪了!

    This is a strange way of asking someone for a favor !

  11. 我的意思不是说它真的求人。

    I mean , not talk to other people .

  12. 也许这么要求人有点太过分。

    Well , maybe it 's asking a little bit too much of people

  13. 你在学校操场上求人帮忙时就是这么说的

    That 's what you say on a playground to exact a favor .

  14. 那肯定要比求人帮忙好,不是吗?

    Surely that is better than begging favours ?

  15. 我认为,生活要求人不断地自我调整以适应现实。

    Life , I believe , asks a continuous series of adjustments to reality .

  16. 你这份工作还是我求人关照才得到的。

    I had to call in major favors just to get you this job .

  17. 求人帮忙实在叫他难于启齿。

    Asking a favor came hard to him .

  18. 给出你的手,救济有求人!

    Give a hand to people in need !

  19. 对赔偿请求人取得的赔偿金不予征税。

    No tax shall be levied as regards the compensation a claimant has obtained .

  20. 海事请求人不提供的,驳回其申请。

    If the maritime claimant fails to provide guarantee , the application shall be rejected .

  21. 西班牙和意大利在债务危机中苦苦挣扎,只有求人的份。

    Spain and Italy are struggling with their debt crises and so have become supplicants .

  22. 屠夫因为老牛曾经求人饶命而勃然大怒。

    The butcher was furious that the cow had tried to beg for its life .

  23. 行政补偿的标准是补偿请求人能否获得正当补偿的关键。

    The standards of administrative compensation are the keys that claimants get the due compensation .

  24. 我不喜欢求人帮忙。

    I hate asking favors of people .

  25. 别人的面包代价贵;求人施舍代价高。

    Another 's bread costs dear .

  26. 我希望我并没有苛求人,但是他确实非常讨厌。

    I hope I 'm not being too uncharitable , but he really is very boring .

  27. 你在宣讲神要求人顺服的律法时可以声音宏亮。

    You can use a louder voice in proclaiming God 's Law , which demands obedience .

  28. 有了它,你再也不用为找不到强手求人了!

    With it , you no longer have to ask for help to find the gunmen had !

  29. 衡量后者时则要求人监测视觉刺激,注意到偶然发生的微妙变化。

    They measure the latter by asking people to monitor visual stimuli for occasional , subtle changes .

  30. 在人才市场上,高级工求人倍率大于1。

    The requirement rate of the senior technical talents is over 1 in the skilled workers market .