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huí tóu lǜ
  • rate of second glance; ratio of regular customers
  1. 这位漂亮的秘书走大街上肯定有很高的回头率

    This pretty secretary is sure to get a high rate of second glance if ( / when ) she takes a walk on the street

  2. 走在街上,她的回头率很高。

    Strolling the street ; she attracts a lot of admiring glances .

  3. 这家饭店回头率很高。

    Many regular guests are drawn to this restaurant .

  4. 西湖边回头率百分之300的美女装束

    The West Lake edge back rate 300 % ^ s beautiful women attires !

  5. 但香港市民JackieRain想要比他的橙色奥迪TTS更具回头率的东西:一副写着“MRBEAN(憨豆先生)”的车牌。

    But Hong Kong resident Jackie Rain wanted something even more eye-catching than his orange Audi TTS : a license plate that reads'MR BEAN . '

  6. 他们拖着iPhone和苹果走出了购物中心,一组管理人员尾随着他们,回头率甚高。

    Dragging the leashed iPhones and apples , the two walked out of the shopping center , tailed by a group of management staff members and turning many heads .

  7. 他非常丑陋,而她则无论到哪里都回头率颇高。

    Whereas he was quite ugly , she turned heads wherever she went .

  8. 休闲随意有层次感的牛仔打底裤绝对吸引回头率。

    Casual , layered jeggings are a guaranteed head-turner .

  9. 然而,暴露身体超过了40%的女性同样得不到更多的回头率。

    However , those who exposed any more than this also fared worse .

  10. 挑选那些可以突出你腰线的衣服,保准你回头率飙升。

    Opt for pieces that emphasize your waistline and draw the eye in .

  11. 一个高回头率的酒店,永远会在服务行业中常青。

    A hotel can live actively when its customer return rate is high .

  12. 如果你是个想要回头率冒险家,这是一些为你准备的搭配。

    If you 're a risk-taker and want to turn heads , this is the look for you .

  13. 最新出版的一期《时代》杂志的封面回头率绝对很高,会让读者倒抽一口冷气。

    The cover of the latest issue of Time magazine is sure to turn heads and draw gasps from readers .

  14. 负载平衡机制记住哪些浏览器访问该服务器,并确保他们的回头率去同一个地方。

    The load-balancing mechanism remembers which browsers visited which servers and ensures that they keep returning to the same place .

  15. 暴露身体40%的女性最受青睐,她们得到男性的跳舞邀请次数是衣着保守女性的两倍。然而,暴露身体超过了40%的女性同样得不到更多的回头率。

    Women who revealed around 40 per cent of their skin attracted twice as many men as those who covered up .

  16. 结果病人收治量、住院回头率、长期门诊随访和长期维持血液透析的患者均较前有明显增加。

    Results Total hospitalization patients , rehospitalization rate , long-term follow-up patients and long-term dialysis patients all obviously increase after holistic medicine was practiced .

  17. 作为一家知名企业,公司从未做过广告宣传,其业务仅仅是依靠良好的口碑在不断增长,并且公司还拥有90%的客户回头率。

    This well established business currently does not advertise , growing only by word of mouth and enjoying a hefty 90 % repeat customer base .

  18. 如果你想在讲堂或是校园派对上获得较高回头率的话,那么你绝对需要一个这样抢眼的包包。

    If you want to turn heads in a lecture hall or at a party on campus , you 'll need one of these eye-catching handbags .

  19. 可以在计算中包括无形收益,如客户回头率提高,改善公司形象,但并非所有无形的收益都能量化。

    You can include intangible benefits in your calculation , such as increased customer retention and improved company image , but not all intangibles can be quantified .

  20. 如果定期浇水,那么这双独一无二的拖鞋甚至可以连续穿四个多月&对于承受重压的都市男女来说,它们无疑是一件能博得回头率的夏季完美饰品。

    If watered regularly the unique footwear can remain in season for over four months & meaning they are the perfect , head-turning summer-accessory for stressed-out men and women .

  21. 这样的体验,她已经历过十几次,但这次却与以往不同。这一次,她想成为另一个人,一个很受欢迎,并且能够赢得回头率的人。

    She had been through this a dozen times , but this time it was different , she wanted to be someone else , someone popular , and someone that made heads turn .

  22. 它可改良面条组织的粘结力,减少断头率和湿面回头率,提高正品率,还对挂面的酸度有抑制作用。

    It can eliminate adhesion stress of noodle organization , reduce rate of broken and wetted flour , enhance rate of quality goods ; furthermore , it can restrain the acid of noodle .

  23. 帽子可以虔心为你遮挡灼热的太阳,为你遮掩繁忙课业中无力打理的乱糟糟的头发,也可以助你搭配出增加回头率的风格。

    Hats can be devoted companions to shade your skin from blazing summer sunlight , cover up bad hair on busy school days , or help you make a personal statement through eye-popping styles .

  24. 顾客满意度研究起源于西方发达国家,是伴随着经济高速发展而逐步形成的管理和营销思想,各项研究表明顾客满意状况直接影响着企业的顾客回头率,利润与市场占有率。

    Customer Satisfaction originated in Western countries , is accompanied by rapid economic development and evolving management and marketing ideas , investigations indicate that customer satisfaction has a direct impact on customers ' repeated purchase , profit margin and market share .