
  • 网络The Way Back
  1. 因此,在本月晚些时候上映的这部电影将有一个新的片名&《回来的路》,而且,主人公也不叫斯拉沃米尔·拉维奇。

    This is why the film-to be released later this month-has a new title , The Way Back , and why the central character is not called Slavomir Rawicz .

  2. 唧唧在考虑回到奶酪C站去,看是否能找到哼哼——但首先得肯定自己能找回来的路。

    Haw thought about going back again to Cheese Station C to see if he could find Hem -- assuming that Haw could find his way back there .

  3. 唧唧在考虑回到奶酪C站去,看是否能找到哼哼&但首先得肯定自己能找回来的路。

    Haw thought about going back again to Cheese Station C to see if he could find Hem & assuming that Haw could find his way back there .

  4. 如果它跳到了下面的一层房间,它肯定会被困在里面,如果没有Simon的援助,它永远找不到回来的路。

    If it had jumped down to the lower floor it was doubtless trapped , and would never find its way back without Simon 's assistance .

  5. 有个好心的小女孩告诉了我回来的路。

    A nice little girl showed me the way home .

  6. 只要你认识回来的路。

    As long as you know your way back .

  7. 还发现它回来的路了?

    And found its way back here ?

  8. 我的小马,你不要着急,你要细细寻找回来的路。

    My little horse , don 't worry , just slowly find your way home .

  9. 如果你足够幸运能找到这样的老师,你将总会找到回来的路。

    If you are lucky enough to find your way to such teachers , you will always find your way back .

  10. 我们沿着回来的路到了这里。明白吗?现在了解地形没有?

    Darren : We took one of the back roads along here . See ? Now do you understand the lay of the land ?

  11. 天越来越黑,雨越下越大,小女孩决定顺着妈妈每天回来的路自己去找妈妈。

    As the dusk growing darker and the rain falling heavier , she decided to look for her mom by following the way her mother went and returned everyday .

  12. 更糟的是,女巫把他流放到了南极,要是不能飞的话,回来可是老远的路。

    And what make matters worse she sent him to the South Pole which is an awfully long walk back if you can 't fly .