
  1. 我非常喜欢回家乡定居。

    I would adore to settle back homeland .

  2. 我们打算乘船回家乡。

    We are planning to go to my hometown by sea .

  3. 这次回家乡的旅行对玛丽来说是一次难忘的经历。

    This visit to hometown is a memorable experience to Mary .

  4. 她将回家乡度假。

    She will return to her homeland for summer vacation .

  5. 她专程回家乡去看望她生病的母亲。

    She retrained to her hometown specially to see her sick mother .

  6. 不回家吗老兄?再一起回家乡!

    Will ye not come home , brother , home to us again ?

  7. 他说他将回家乡去过春节。

    He said he would go to his home town for the spring festival .

  8. 但是于得明拒绝回家乡。

    However , refusing to get back home .

  9. 在很多天以后的一天,我又踏上了回家乡的道路。

    In many days after the day , I return home on the road .

  10. 他们汇回家乡的钱,推动了农村人均收入的上涨。

    Their remittances help boost rural incomes .

  11. 每次我回家乡都为它的变化感到惊奇。

    Every time I went back to my hometown I was surprised at the changes .

  12. 她就可以再也不必回家乡。

    She never had to go back .

  13. 我知道那是什么感受,我陪她回家乡吧。

    B : I know how it feels and I will accompany her to her hometown .

  14. 你知道春节吗?我想回家乡看望父母。

    OK . I know how important Spring Festival is in China . I 'll arrange that .

  15. 再打回家乡!

    And then strike home !

  16. 我下周休假,已经买好了回家乡的往返机票。

    My vacation begins next week . I 've got a return air ticket to my hometown .

  17. 方法安排医学生利用暑期回家乡所在地,根据其家乡的具体情况任选一所社区医疗服务点、各级医院或专科医院,进行为期2周的以护理服务为切入点的社会实践活动。

    Methods Arranging medical students participating in social practice in hospital of their hometown during summer holiday .

  18. 三年后,当他回家乡结婚,他发现他变了。

    Three years later , when he returned home to get married , he found he had changed .

  19. 一种更为开放的投资机制,将鼓励台商把利润汇回家乡,而不是隐匿起来。

    A more open investment regime would encourage Taiwanese to repatriate profits instead of hiding them from Taipei .

  20. 该消息称:贾斯汀希望带赛琳娜回家乡加拿大结婚。

    Justin has wanted to take Selena back to his native Canada and marry her , the source spilled .

  21. 有人说蒙蒂思经常回家乡温哥华,和他的朋友在一起时总会毒瘾复发。

    Monteith allegedly returned to his hometown of Vancouver often , and surrounded himself with friends who fueled his addiction .

  22. 母亲去世后她被叫回家乡照顾父亲,正规教育也就到此为止。

    When her mother died , she was called back home to care for her father and her formal education ended .

  23. 同时,父母的高期望可能会给学生们造成一种负担,也可能会断了他们毕业后回家乡的念头。

    A too-high expectation from parents could be a burden on students , and could prevent them from returning home after graduation .

  24. 22岁的阿克木当前正在中央民族大学就读管理专业。和许多在大城市学习的维吾尔族学生一样,他计划一毕业就回家乡工作。

    Like many Uygur students studying in big cities , Akemu , a22-year-old management major at MUC , plans to return home after graduation .

  25. 国庆长假我决定回家乡看看爷爷奶奶等亲人,以及了解乡村知识。

    National Day holiday , I decided to return to his hometown to see grandparents and other relatives , as well as rural knowledge to understand .

  26. 我对他说想回家乡从政,但现在又开始对许多其它事情感兴趣。

    I told him that I wanted to go home and get into politics but that I was becoming interested in a lot of other things too .

  27. 由于快到清明节了,所以开车回家乡过节的人多,造成交通拥堵。

    Since it was getting near to the Qingming holiday , there was a traffic jam caused by the many people driving back to their home towns .

  28. 还是这个时期,加州的墨西哥工人受到暴力袭击,迫使他们逃回家乡,还有数万人被驱逐出境。

    In the same decade , violent attacks on Mexican workers in California persuaded them to flee back home ; tens of thousands of others were deported .

  29. 我想挣一大笔钱,然后就回家乡去,回那个钱真正管事的地方。

    I wanted to earn a lot of money and then I would go back to my roots . I 'll go back to where money matters .

  30. 对费城来说,科比回家乡的号召力会对其球市产生重大的影响&76人的未来也比以前更加充满希望。

    For Philly , the fan attraction of Kobe 's coming home would have a huge impact on their attendance & and the76ers'future would look brighter than ever .