
  1. 之后在被要求回忆照片中人物的外貌特征时,写关于爱人文章的人回忆起来的细节较少。

    And later asked to recall the cuties in the pictures , the students who wrote about their lovers remembered fewer details about the physical appearance of the attractive strangers .

  2. 记载美好回忆的照片都散落在地板上。

    Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor .

  3. 此刻我需要你记载美好回忆的照片都散落在地板上伸手去拿电话因为我再也无法抗拒我想知道我是否偶尔浮现在你的脑海对我来说这是很经常发生的

    Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor Reaching for the phone ' cause I can 't fight it anymore And I wonder if I ever cross your mind For me it happens all the time

  4. 建筑物四周陈列着一些勾人回忆的旧照片。

    Old photographs are evocatively displayed round the building .

  5. 一年胜似一年的复古风,创意人习惯于从回忆和旧照片里面寻找灵感。

    Designers seem to be in the habit of draw inspiration from yellowed photos and black-and-white memory .

  6. 古德博士调查了144位Facebook用户,发现他们经常使用该网站进行回忆,浏览旧照片和发言来安慰自己。

    Dr Good questioned 144 Facebook users and found they often use the site to reminisce , using old photos and wall posts as a form of comfort .

  7. 和母亲一起的珍贵回忆,母亲的照片或者亲手绘的母亲画像,以及对母亲深深的感谢等等都可放进这个独特的网页。

    Valuable memories of stories with their mother , photos or their own drawings of their mother , and their great thanks to their mother can all be included in this unique webpage .