
huí lai
  • return;come back;be back;go back


hui lai
  • back
回来 [huí lái]
  • (1) [come back]∶从外边归来

  • 那件事等你回来再定

  • (2) [return]∶回到原地

  • 我回来了

回来[huí lai]
回来[hui lai]
  1. 她待在窗前等他回来。

    She stationed herself at the window to await his return .

  2. 他从意大利回来的时候,是他弟弟去接他的。

    He was met by his brother on his return from Italy .

  3. 如果你明天回来,也许更好。

    Perhaps it would be better if you came back tomorrow .

  4. “他会回来的。”苏珊安慰她道。

    ' He 'll come back , ' Susan assured her .

  5. 快点!他随时都会回来。

    Hurry up ! He 'll be back any minute now .

  6. 快点!他随时都会回来。

    Hurry up ! He 'll be back any moment now .

  7. “我马上回来。”她答应说。

    ' I 'll be back soon , ' she promised .

  8. 让她非常吃惊的是他第二天就回来了。

    Much to her surprise he came back the next day .

  9. 他们把问题断然给我推了回来。

    They dropped the problem firmly back in my lap .

  10. 他调转车头,又开了回来。

    He turned the car round and drove back again .

  11. 我在经理回来之前代行他的职务。

    I 'm acting as deputy till the manager returns .

  12. 心情好些时再回来。

    Come back when you 're in a better temper .

  13. 他盼着多拉冷静下来后回来。

    He waited for Dora to come to her senses and return .

  14. 她试图逃跑,但他把她拽了回来。

    She tried to escape but he tugged her back .

  15. 如一切顺利,我下星期就回来。

    I 'll be back next week , God willing .

  16. 安妮一直生病,但现在又回来参加社交活动了。

    Anne has been ill but now she 's back in circulation .

  17. 你从意大利回来给孩子们带了什么?

    What did you bring the kids back from Italy ?

  18. 我下班回来,发现屋里空无一人。

    I returned from work to find the house empty .

  19. 我们希望我们的前期投资在第一年就能赚回来。

    We hope to recoup our initial investment in the first year .

  20. 他从巴哈马群岛回来时看上去健康得令人眼红。

    He looked disgustingly healthy when he got back from the Bahamas .

  21. 除非是我记错了,她是昨天回来上班的。

    Unless I 'm mistaken , she was back at work yesterday .

  22. 我等他回来等了很长时间。

    I waited a long time for him to return .

  23. 我郑重承诺我会回来的。

    I made a solemn promise that I would return .

  24. 许多士兵回来时对战争都深恶痛绝。

    Many soldiers returned with a deep loathing of war .

  25. “不管怎样,她很快会回来。”他最后说道。

    ' Anyway , she should be back soon , ' he concluded .

  26. 我的工作是催促迟迟不送回来的答复。

    My job was to chase up late replies .

  27. 那狗要咬她,她马上把手缩了回来。

    The dog snapped at her and she quickly pulled back her hand .

  28. 她是什么时候旅行回来的?

    When did she return home from the trip ?

  29. 我外出旅游了一个月刚刚回来。

    I just got back from a month-long safari .

  30. 他刚从外地回来。

    He 's just arrived back from foreign parts .