
  • vulnerable
  1. 随着天价豪车逐年递增,豪车事故也逐年增多,豪车伤不起,撞上赔不起更加引发争议。

    With the price of luxury cars annually , Car accidents are increasing year by year ," Car vulnerable , hit the compensate does not rise " More controversial .

  2. 姐高傲旳小心脏,你伤不起。

    Sister arrogant little heart , you vulnerable .

  3. 虽然高级管理层中拥有一名大牌CEO看似不错,可一旦CEO表现糟糕,后果就是伤不起。

    But having a big guy at the top is scant price to pay when you consider the wreckage that a bad CEO can inflict .

  4. 没有房子的男人,你伤不起啊。

    The man without a house can 't be hurt anymore .

  5. 土耳其电影《伤不起的女人》获得最佳影片奖和最佳男演员奖。

    Turkish film Hayde Bre was awarded Best Feature Film along with Best Actor .

  6. 职业带来不了幸福感,你可能也不会成功,在这个岗位上停滞不前的机会成本太高了,你伤不起。

    You probably won 't be very successful if you 're unhappy anyway , and there is a big opportunity cost in staying .

  7. 这就是问题所在了,因为很多时候人们怕你伤不起,故意说谎骗你,那对你完全没好处的。

    And that 's a problem , because a lot of times people will lie to you to protect your feelings , and that 's not doing you any favors .

  8. 意为太脆弱而承受不住打击的伤不起被选为2011年度词汇。该词汇显示出公众对于个人及社会问题的敏感性,以及他们对于正义和公平的呼吁。

    The phrase shang bu qi , which means too delicate to bear a blow , was chosen as the phrase of the year , revealing the public ` s sensitivity to personal and social problems , and their call for justice and equity .

  9. 上赛季西决第六第七场,保罗因伤休战,而那时候我们就看出来:即便有MVP詹姆斯-哈登,保罗的伤病依然让火箭伤不起。

    As evidenced by the injury that kept him on the sideline in Games 6 and 7 of the Western Conference finals , Paul is the one player Houston can ill afford to lose , even with MVP James Harden on the roster .