
  1. 说我们是太阳的孩子和它的信使。

    Saying we were children of the Sun and its messengers .

  2. 以这个数目为前提,认为我们是太阳系里唯一有智能生命的行星是多么傲慢啊。

    Given that number , how arrogant to think ours is the only sun with a planet that supports life , and that it 's in the only solar system with intelligent life .

  3. 我们到家是太阳快要落山。

    The sun was near setting as we reached home .

  4. 我们是从太阳得到光和热的。

    It is from the sun that we get light and heat .

  5. 我们知道日本是太阳升起的地方。

    We know Japan is the land of the rising sun .

  6. 每隔11年,太阳磁场活动便会加强,有时更会变得狂暴形成巨大的太阳黑子及强烈的太阳风暴。而此时此刻我们应该是出于太阳磁场活动最高峰的阶段。

    Every 11 years , the sun 's magnetic activity ramps up , sometimes to a frenzy , causing large sunspots and strong flares . Right now we should be in the middle of such a solar maximum .

  7. 果然不出所料,NASA正在宣布前面等着我们的灾难是因为太阳正在苏醒,即将进入太阳的最大活跃期。

    Right on cue , NASA is pronouncing that disasters are ahead because the Sun is waking up , going into the solar maximum .

  8. T:我们是来参加“太阳、海洋和沙滩”会展的。

    T : We 're attending the'Sun , Sea and Sand'conference and exhibition .

  9. 他们制造的最大噪声,只不过是一群人围坐成一圈,和着手鼓唱我们带来改变,我们是升起的太阳。

    The noisiest they got was when one group sat in a circle and sang We are the change , we are the rising sun , to a hand drum .