
  1. CarlosRodriguez(卡洛斯-罗德里格斯)-你引导我超越极限。

    Carlos Rodriguez - for pushing me beyond the limits I thought I could reach 。

  2. 我超越了自己,战胜了自己。

    I have gone beyond themselves and beat themselves .

  3. 因特网帮助我超越了这些极限!

    The Internet is a tool that can help me surpass those limits !

  4. 今天是不是我超越他人的机会?

    Is this my day to excel ?

  5. 这激发我超越,并在以后几个月中使我得以提升。

    It motivates me to excel and gives me a boost for months to follow .

  6. 我超越党派之争,根据是否有利于我的家庭和国家而投票。

    More than party affiliation , I vote based on what I believe is right for my family and for my country .

  7. 批判精神是马克思主义实践辩证法的灵魂,其深层根基在于人类实践活动自我否定、我超越的本性。

    Critical spirits is the soul of Marxist practice dialectics , the core of which is related to the nature of self-denial and self-surmounting in the human practice activities .

  8. 不要和旁人相比,只需转过头看看身后的自己,你会惊喜地发现我超越了从前的我。这是我的亲身体验。

    Don 't compare with somebody , just turn back you head look at youself , you will be surprise to know you are better than before , this is my experience .

  9. 后来大二期中的一段时间我开始超越自己,更多地提出自己的想法,响应其他人,问有深度的问题,和别人的互动也多了。

    Then , somewhere in the middle of my second year , I got over myself and offered more of my own opinions . I responded to others , asked thoughtful questions , and interacted way more .

  10. h希望我能超越梦想,做个社会有用的人。

    I hope I can go beyond dream to be a useful person to society .

  11. 很抱歉Leonard,我无法超越我的老师的水平。

    Sheldon : My apologies , Leonard . I 'm only as good as my teacher .

  12. 你们看,如果在若干年后你们还记得“快乐的魔法师”这个笑话,那就证明我已经超越了BaronessMaryWarnock。

    You see ? If all you remember in years to come is the ' gay wizard ' joke , I 've still come out ahead of Baroness Mary Warnock .

  13. 士官长,我要超越你的期望。

    I 'm here to exceed your expectations , senior chief .

  14. 今天我要超越昨天的成就。

    Today I will surpass every action which I performed yesterday .

  15. 我意愿超越被受难的需要。

    I intend to transcend the need to be crucified .

  16. 我总是超越身体极限地努力工作着。

    I have always had to work beyond the limit of my strength .

  17. 有了自信,我可以超越自我。

    With self-confidence , I can go beyond myself .

  18. 与自信,我能超越极限。

    With self-confidence , I can surpass limits .

  19. 可是我发现超越这的第四种型态!

    But I found a fourth beyond it !

  20. 我能够超越各种障碍,探索各种可能。

    Barriers I go beyond barriers into possibilities .

  21. 让我瞥见超越时间的永恒,而减慢我的步调。

    Steady my hurried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time .

  22. 我会超越渺小卑微的自尊。

    I will be beyond little prides .

  23. 而我已经超越你了。

    And I 've outgrown you .

  24. 我可是超越了底线了。

    I 'm crossing lines here .

  25. 和她在一起,我就超越了那种人。

    Y'know , when I 'm with her , I am so much more than that .

  26. 在设计作品时,我必须超越客户的想象力。

    The requirements of architecture are such that I must go beyond what the client understands .

  27. 因为我可以超越所有事物

    That I could outrun anything .

  28. 一股力量在凝聚,安静的声音在说:“我要超越你。”

    There was a gathering of resolve and a quiet voice saying , " I will bypass you . "

  29. 我尝试超越,但超不过(本站您基本就忘了装超车系统),然后轮胎温度降了下来,就是这样。

    I tried to overtake , couldn 't and then I lost temperature on the tyres and that was it .

  30. 和她在一起,我就超越了那种人,我是Monana。

    Y'know , when I 'm with her , I am so much more than that . I 'm I 'm Monana !