
  1. 那时我们不可能预料到我们这项运动的结果。

    At the time we couldn 't have anticipated the result of our campaigning

  2. 我们不可能等待政府按照它自己的步调作出改变。

    We cannot wait on the government to make changes at its own pace .

  3. “这个在此之前早该决定了。”——“我们不可能考虑得面面俱到。”

    ' This should have been decided long before now . ' — 'We can 't think of everything . '

  4. 由于银行本身的性质,我们不可能象对待制造商那样以同样的方式对待它。

    Owing to the very nature of banking , it cannot be treated in exactly the same way as a manufacturing firm .

  5. 在这种情况下我们不可能做出假设。

    We can 't assume anything in this case .

  6. 挪威的例子清楚表明,我们不可能重返欧盟在早期的前身共同市场(commonmarket)。

    The case of Norway illustrates perfectly why there is no route back to the common market , the early incarnation of the EU .

  7. 曾研究快乐心理学的宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)教授马丁&12539;塞利格曼(MartinSeligman)认为,我们不可能确认盖洛普提出的与大学经历有关的问题是否就是日后成功的原因或者仅仅是巧合。

    University of Pennsylvania Professor Martin Seligman , who has studied the psychology of happiness , said it was impossible to know whether the college experiences Gallup asked about were the cause of later success or simply coincidental to it .

  8. 每当我听到有人说,这件事或者那件事是不可能的,我就会回想起讨论臭氧层问题的日子,当时人们都说我们不可能逐步替代除臭剂中的含氯氟烃(CFC)。

    Whenever I hear a person say this or that is impossible , I think back to the ozone layer days when people said it would be impossible to phase out CFCs from deodorant .

  9. 但在实际的ET中ER的深入研究存在许多困难,因为我们不可能取移植周期中患者的内膜标本来研究,目前亦尚未发现外周血中可检测到能反映ER的标记物。

    But in fact , it 's difficult to study ER in IVF-ET cycles , because it 's inherently impossible in actual ET cycles for us to acquire the patient 's endometrium sampling , and we haven 't found out any subtler serum marker which can reflect the ER .

  10. 我们不可能失去胜利除非我们不尝试。

    We cannot fail to win unless we fail to try .

  11. 我们不可能在八点以前赶到那里。

    There 's no chance of us getting there by eight .

  12. 我们不可能掩盖住以前所做的事。

    We can 't hide from the things we 've done .

  13. 当然,我们不可能在所有问题上持一致看法。

    Now , we will not see eye-to-eye on every issue .

  14. 没你我们不可能走这么远。

    We never would 've made it this far without you .

  15. 很多人说我们不可能干好。

    Many people said we could not do a good job .

  16. 我们不可能把价格降到贵方要求的水平。

    We can 't bring down our price to your level .

  17. 我们不可能想什么就说什么,安琪拉。

    We can 't always say what we think , angela .

  18. 我们不可能都通过那些测验的

    there 's No Way We 're Gonna Pass Those Tests .

  19. 在现有的情形下我们不可能有大的进展。

    We are unlikely to make great progress under present condition .

  20. 他们认为我们不可能在夜间攻击。

    They considered it impossible for us to attack during the night .

  21. 我们不可能在两天之后完成它。

    It is impossible for us to finish it in two days .

  22. 我们不可能有更好的机会了。

    We 're not going to get a better offer .

  23. 我们不可能以普通的方式做拷贝。

    It wasn 't possible to just print it conventionally .

  24. 我们不可能期望光靠这次访问就能解决它。

    We cannot expect it to be settled by just this trip .

  25. 所以我们不可能在岛上呆太长的时间。

    So we can 't stay on the islet for too long .

  26. 我认为我们不可能从此事中获利。

    I doubt whether we will make a profit out of it .

  27. 不然,我们不可能在英国呆上这么多天。

    We could not possibly have stayed in Britain that long otherwise .

  28. 我们不可能用那种东西抓住水怪!

    We can not use that thing to seize Shuiguai !

  29. 我们不可能保持不变,虽然我们很希望。

    We could not remain stationary however much we wished .

  30. 没有你的帮助我们不可能完成任务。

    We couldn 't finish it until you help us .