
  • The three of us;Nous trois;Remix;Compromised
  1. 我们仨的喜好完全相同。

    We like the same things .

  2. 我叫醒迪恩,我们仨开始吃饭。

    I wake Dean , and the three of us eat .

  3. 但是在一间安静的房间里,我们仨仍在一起。

    But in one quiet room we three are still together .

  4. 这样你们就会以我们仨为傲

    and you were gonna be proud of all of us .

  5. 小子,我们仨当时在过女生之日呢?

    Buddy , the three of us were having a girls ' day .

  6. 论杨绛散文《我们仨》的古典意味

    On the Classical Flavor of We Three , a Prose of Yang Jiang

  7. 《我们仨》在艺术上也有许多独到之处。

    Three of Us has many original in art .

  8. 所以你嫁给了我们仨-这个世界太疯狂了

    So you married all of us . - But that 's crazy .

  9. 我们仨祝愿大家节日愉快!

    Happy holidays from the three of us !

  10. 最后一班公交车开走了,我们仨人打了一辆出租车。

    The last bus had gone , so the three of us shared a taxi .

  11. 我是同凯瑟琳和亨德雷欧肖一起长大的,小时候我们仨都在一起玩儿。

    I grew up with Catherine and Hindley Earnshaw , and we three played together as children .

  12. 我头一回留意到这位女郎对他的态度,是在一天晚上我们仨一块儿吃完饭之后。

    I first became aware of his lady 's attitude toward him one night after the three of us had dined together .

  13. 劳拉补充说道:“不论是加亮、吹干或者仅仅是小的修剪,凯西在每一步骤都会停下来比较一下我们仨,以保证发型没有差别。”

    Laura adds : ' Whether we are getting our highlights done , a blow dry or just a trim , Kathy will book us one after the other so there 's no difference in our styles . '

  14. 《我们仨》等散文营造出堪称文学研究界“第一家庭”的温馨世界,可谓中国式的“追忆似水年华”。

    The proses Us Three and so on constructed a warm world that can be called " the first family " as to the field of literature study , which can be called " retrospecting watery years " of Chinese style .

  15. 我们哥儿仨异口同声地叫道,但是没有用。

    All three of us called . But it did no good .