
  • 网络MY TIME;My Days;My generation
  1. 这是我的时代!

    This is my time !

  2. 我坚守心中信念,属于我的时代终将到来

    I keep the faith that my time will come

  3. 这次才是我的时代,我是首席执行官。

    That is about me this time . I am the CEO .

  4. 在我的大学时代和早期职业生涯中,我做过C、C++、PHP以及在Linux下Perl的开发,这正是我坚定支持开源的一大主因。

    Throughout my college days and early career , I did a lot of work in C , C + + , PHP , and Perl on Linux , which is probably part of the reason why I 'm such a big proponent of open source today .

  5. 我的幼年时代无甚出奇之处。

    For my infancy , there was nothing in it remarkable .

  6. 我的少年时代像一个美丽的梦。

    The thought of my boyhood is like a dream .

  7. 你们这些同学,是在与我不同的时代来到哈佛的。

    You graduates came to Harvard at a different time .

  8. 我成长的时代是一个神奇的时代

    The time we grew up was a magical time .

  9. 我的孩提时代是在战乱中度过的。

    And my childhood was spent in turmoil of war .

  10. 我的少女时代充满了对这座城市的美好回忆。

    I had wonderful memories of the city as a young girl .

  11. 想到夏天就想起了我的学生时代。

    I never think of summer but I think of my school days .

  12. 自从我的孩提时代起,我就对飞行一直感爱好。

    I 've been interested in flying ever since I was a boy .

  13. 纵观我的学生时代,似乎唯一的目标就是:大学。

    Throughout my years of schooling , there was seemingly one goal : college .

  14. 回想我的青年时代。

    To think back to my youth .

  15. 再见了,我的学生时代。

    Farewell , my student 's time .

  16. 旅客:我的《时代》杂志到了吗?我已经有两周没有收到了?

    G : Where 's my Time Magazine ? I haven 't received it for two weeks .

  17. 在我高中的时代,我我对化学、物理和数学很感兴趣。

    During my high school years , I have found chemistry , physics , and mathematics interesting .

  18. 事实上,在我的少年时代,并没有那么多优秀的超级英雄电影。

    Actually , when I was a teenager , there weren 't so many good superhero films .

  19. 我的童年时代很艰苦,因为那是在战时,也没有任何奢侈品。

    I had an austere childhood because it was during the war and there were no luxuries then .

  20. 我的大学时代,包括作为测量理论课程的实验室助理而做过一定期限的实践工作。

    My college days included a long stint as a lab assistant in a course on the theory of measurement .

  21. 《小幸运》是由陈玉珊执导的于2015年上映的台湾爱情片《我的少女时代》的主题曲。

    A Little Happiness is a love song from Our Times , a 2015 Taiwanese romance film directed by Frankie Chen .

  22. 我的学生时代,叔叔负担了我一切花销学费、书、衣服等一切东西。

    When I was a student , my uncle offered me all the expenses , tuition fees , books , clothes and all .

  23. 当我们喝了葡萄酒,潘波趣想起我快乐的时代,他和我一起度过我的童年。

    As we drank our wine , Pumblechook reminded me of the happy times he and I had spent together during my childhood .

  24. 是的,这和我的孩提时代完全不同,当然。

    Yeah , I mean it 's nothing like when I was a kid , that 's for sure . That 's right .

  25. 这是现存的历史最悠久的钢桥。但是我采花的时代过去了,黑夜悠悠,我没有了玫瑰,只有痛苦存留着。

    But my time for flower-gathering is over , and through the dark night I have not my rose , only the pain remains .

  26. 在我生活的时代,我们知道亚特兰蒂斯世界已走到了它的尽头。

    At the time of my life , the world of Atlantis as we knew it , was at the end of it 's era .

  27. 总之,在我的童年时代,我付出了巨大的代价,把我们周围那十几个村子里的书都读完了。

    Overall , throughout my childhood , I paid a huge price to devour every book in those several dozen villages which surrounded my home .

  28. 从我的童年时代,我们过去常常上那所学校的那些时光,我们过去常常玩那些游戏的那些时光。

    Times from my childhood , times when we used to go to a certain school , times when we used to play certain games .

  29. 回到我的那个时代,如果你能从节礼日到元旦的这个圣诞比赛期间拿下三场比赛的话,这对球队战绩是巨大的提高。

    Back in my day , if you won the three games over Christmas from Boxing Day through to New Year 's Day it was a massive boost .

  30. 父母的爱是伟大的,无私的,尤其是在我童年的时代,更是用语言无法表述的,我希望父母身体健康。

    Parents'love is great and selfless , which can not be expressed even in words especially in my childhood . I hope my parents are in good condition .