
  1. 当我的前女友离开我时,我很伤心,但不到两周我就遇到了一位更适合我的人,现在我们结婚了。

    I was sad when my ex-girlfriend left me , but within1 two weeks I met someone who is much better for me and now we 're married2 .

  2. 4月19日,根据韩国SBS电视节目《我们结婚了》改编的真人秀节目《我们相爱吧》在江苏卫视首播。

    We Are in Love , which premiered on April 19 on Jiangsu TV , was adapted from Seoul Broadcasting System ( SBS )' s We Got Married .

  3. 如果我们结婚了,就不会那样了。

    If we get married , we 'll ruin everything .

  4. 一旦我们结婚了,一切都很完美。

    Once we 're married , everything will be perfect .

  5. 我们结婚了,这才是重点。

    We 're married ; that 's a big duck .

  6. 你为什么不告诉我们结婚了

    Why didn 't you tell me we were married ?

  7. 对寂寞的恐惧胜过对束缚的恐惧,因此我们结婚了。

    Fear of bondage , so we get married .

  8. 我本打算等我们结婚了

    I was waiting till we got married .

  9. 七个月之后我们结婚了。

    We were married seven months later .

  10. 既然我们结婚了

    Neil : Now that we are married

  11. 我们结婚了,

    even now that we are married ,

  12. 他们永远不知道我们结婚了。

    They never knew we were married .

  13. 我们结婚了,家里两个孩子一条狗。

    We got married , lived in a house with two kids and a little doggy .

  14. 我也不会写信给我家里人说我们结婚了,这信我原先说过要写的。”“你不写了吗?”

    I won 't write to tell my family we are married , as I said I would . "

  15. TJ.对,我们结婚了,还有个孩子,小杰有个儿子,小杰。小杰!

    Oh , yeah , we 're married , we got a kid . TJ.We have a son . TJ !

  16. 如果我们结婚了那将是因为我们觉得有结婚的必要了,不过起码现在还没有。

    If we do get married it will be when we feel the need to get married , and no time sooner .

  17. 几月后,我们结婚了,我们想通过这次旅行看看野生动物和热带草原。真是太美了。

    We married a few months later , and this was the trip where we really went to see the animals and to see the savanna .

  18. 后来我爸走了,我妈说这女孩爸说还不错,于是在我爸走后才三天我们结婚了。

    Then my dad gone , my mother said the girl says Dad is also good , so in my dad came only three days after we get married .

  19. 我注视着你,却难以抑制我的呼吸,就像在那个朦胧的四月,你的父亲和你一起走下楼,我们结婚了。

    I look at you now and feel my breath catch just as it did on that drizzly April day when your poor father walked you down the stairs and into marriage .

  20. 《广州日报》曾在一篇文章中将《我们结婚了》的走红归结于其中展现出的完美爱情与婚姻,它挑起了观众对于完美爱情的期待。

    An article from Guangzhou Daily credited the popularity of We Got Married to the flawless relationship and marriage it displays . It stimulates audiences ' longing for a relationship like that , says the article .

  21. 我曾经绝望过,想开枪自杀,但最终还是决定把疯女人带回特恩费得,这儿谁也不知道我们结婚了。

    Well , I had moments of despair when I intended to shoot myself , but in the end I decided to bring the mad woman back to Thornfield Hall , where nobody knew that we were married .

  22. 《广州日报》曾在一篇文章中将《我们结婚了》的走红归结于其中展现出的完美爱情与婚姻,“它挑起了观众对于完美爱情的期待”。

    An article from Guangzhou Daily credited the popularity of " We Got Married " to the flawless relationship and marriage it displays . " It stimulates audiences " longing for a relationship like that , " says the article .

  23. 一天晚上他让我搭车回家,唔,就这样自然发展,我们现在结婚了!

    He offered me a ride home one night , and , well , one thing led to another and now we 're married !

  24. 我们结婚采用了非宗教仪式,没有去教堂举行婚礼。

    We were married in a civil ceremony , not in church .

  25. 我们结婚两年了女儿Brooke刚出生不�

    We 've been married for two years and have a baby girl Brooke

  26. 你有没有意识到4个礼拜之后,我们就结婚了?

    Do you reallze we 're getting married in four weeks ?

  27. 美子告诉您我们要结婚了吧?

    Mi-ja told you we were getting married , right ?

  28. 保罗:我们都结婚了,你想怎样。

    Paul : We 're married now . What did you expect ?

  29. 你听说了吗?我们要结婚了。

    Have you heard ? We 're getting married .

  30. 既然我们要结婚了,就得为未来计划一下。

    We need to plan for the future now that we 're getting married .