
  • 网络athos;ATOS
  1. 比如,法国咨询公司阿托斯(atos)是一家顶级赞助商。

    For example , ATOS , a French consultancy , is a top-tier sponsor .

  2. 给阿托斯的报偿取决于它如何证明所有这些它都能做到。

    The pay-off for Atos comes from proving it can do all this .

  3. 此外阿托斯还负责处理所有25万名运动员、教练员和陪同人员的认证系统。

    Among other things Atos handles the accreditation system for all 250,000 athletes , trainers and hangers-on .

  4. Adiba估计奥运会每年为阿托斯带来了上亿欧元的新业务。

    The Olympics generate hundreds of millions of euros of new business for Atos every year , reckons Mr Adiba .

  5. 希腊:修道院的窗户,阳光,天空,和大海三合为一为阿托斯圣山上的埃克斯诺方克斯修道院构成了一幅令人心旷神怡的背景。

    Monastery Window , Greece : A trinity of sun , sky , and sea paints an inspiring backdrop for the Xenofontos monastery on Mount Athos .

  6. 但它也让阿托斯有了对潜在顾客吹嘘的资本:如果我们能办好夏奥会和冬奥会,我们应该也能办好贵公司的项目。

    But it lets Atos boast to potential customers : if we can handle both the summer and winter Olympics , we can probably handle your project .