
  • 网络Atal;attar;ATar
  1. “松鼠似的阿塔尔应该办得到,我可没办法!”

    Maybe Atal the squirrel could make it but not me ! '

  2. 那天晚上,母亲跟弟弟阿塔尔赶来了。

    Late in the evening my mother came with Atal .

  3. 阿塔尔情绪激动,哭个不停。

    Atal was overwhelmed and cried a lot .

  4. 有一天,我看见我的小弟弟阿塔尔在花园里发疯似的掘地。

    One day I saw my little brother Atal digging furiously in the garden .

  5. 那天,乌斯曼觉得他受够了,让阿塔尔住手。

    That day Usman Bhai Jan had had enough and refused to let him .

  6. 阿塔尔居然提议可以给它们穿上尿布!

    Atal suggested we buy them nappies !

  7. 阿塔尔不停地哭泣。

    Atal would not stop weeping .

  8. 父亲打趣阿塔尔,他当时八岁,脸皮比以前更厚了。

    My father started teasing Atal , who was eight by then and cheekier than ever .

  9. 我们这样做都是为了提供方便,注册处的长官埃哈卜•艾尔-阿塔尔(Ehabel-Attar)说。

    We did this to make life easier , said Ehab el-Attar , the registry 's head .

  10. 这样的餐点搭配是从我的小弟阿塔尔开始的,但他现在最钟爱的则是“伯明翰大发现”——榛果巧克力酱三明治。

    a tradition started by my little brother Atal , though his favourite Birmingham discovery is Nutella sandwiches .

  11. 我们大家一起吃早餐——我、母亲、父亲、胡沙尔和阿塔尔。

    We all had breakfast together - me , my mother , my father , Khushal and Atal .

  12. 阿塔尔发了顿脾气,拒绝上车,决定和他的几个朋友一起走路回家。

    Atal had a tantrum and refused so he walked home in a huff with some of his friends .

  13. 因此,父亲把我和弟弟胡沙尔,以及还是个小宝宝的阿塔尔送上床睡觉。

    So he put me and my brothers Khushal and Atal , then just a baby , to bed .

  14. 我受够了。有一天,我让阿塔尔把那个男孩带进来,生气地对着他大喊。

    I got so fed up with it that one day I told Atal to bring the boy inside .

  15. 离家越近,我们变得愈加沉默,就连总是喋喋不休的小弟弟阿塔尔也一言不发。

    As we drew close to home we all fell silent , even my little brother , Atal the chatterbox .

  16. 后来,他们吃饭时,阿塔尔打开了电视,父亲立即就关掉了。

    Later , while they were eating , Atal turned on the TV . My father immediately turned it off .

  17. 阿塔尔当时只有五岁,他很喜欢那只兔子,所以它常常就睡在我父母的床下。

    Atal was only five then and really loved that rabbit so it used to sleep under my parents ' bed .

  18. 我的弟弟胡沙尔在阿巴塔巴德上学,所以只有我和父母,还有阿塔尔一同前往。

    My brother Khushal was now at school in Abbottabad , so it was just me , my parents and Atal .

  19. 我们的紧急插播新闻永远都离不了谋杀和死亡,因此对阿塔尔来说,棺木和坟地是生活的一部分。

    Our news bulletins were full of killings and death so it was natural for Atal to think of coffins and graves .

  20. 阿塔尔总是喜欢松开车辆的后挡板,这让乌斯曼很生气,因为这样做很危险。

    He liked to hang off the tailboard at the back , which made Usman Bhai Jan cross as it was dangerous .

  21. 母亲叮嘱阿塔尔要和我一起搭巴士,所以他从小学部走了过来。

    Atal had been told by my mother to ride on the bus with me , so he walked over from the primary school .

  22. 但是,有一个与阿塔尔一起玩的小男孩每次只要一看到我经过,都会暗示性地呼喊:“你觉得哈鲁恩怎么样?”

    but one of the small boys who played with Atal would call out suggestively , ' How is Haroon ? ' whenever I passed by .

  23. 后来因为阿塔尔实在太吵闹了,医护人员把他们带到医院的军方宿舍安置。

    Atal was making so much noise that eventually an orderly took them to the hospital 's military hostel , where they were being put up .

  24. 两个男孩子因为被迫远离了他们的学校与朋友,成天被关在狭小空间里等待姐姐身体康复而觉得百无聊赖。阿塔尔还好,为眼前崭新的一切而兴奋。

    The boys were bored cooped up waiting for me to recover , away from school and their friends , though Atal was excited by everything new .

  25. 像以往发生了此类情形时一样,我们急切地呼唤着彼此的绰号或姓名——帅哥、猫咪、嫂嫂[1]、胡沙尔、阿塔尔,以确保大家都平安无事。

    As we always did , we called to each other to make sure we were all safe . ' Khaista , Pisho , Bhabi , Khushal , Atal ! "

  26. 第二天,当我们在饭店吃早餐时,阿塔尔对我说:“马拉拉,我不懂为什么你这么有名。你做了什么啊?”

    At breakfast the next day Atal said to me in the hotel , ' Malala , I don 't understand why you are famous . What have you done ? '

  27. 放学后走路回家的阿塔尔冲进家门,他打开电视,收看有关我中枪的新闻。

    Then my brothers rushed into the room . Atal , who had walked home from school , had turned on the television and seen the news that I had been shot .

  28. 然后,我在办公室里坐下等待,同时在计算机上玩一款名叫《精灵保龄球》的游戏,这是我第一次玩这个游戏,但我成功击败了弟弟阿塔尔。

    Then I sat and waited in an office , playing a game called Elf Bowling on the computer and beating my brother Atal even though it was the first time I had played it .