
  1. 上下层筛网的目数相差越小,透筛率越小;

    The smaller the difference between the meshes of the upper and lower screen , the smaller the percent through screen ;

  2. 组织胺能引起血管收缩,并增强小静脉的透性。

    Histamine causes vasoconstriction and increased permeability of small venules .

  3. 那扇小窗户只能透进一点光线。

    The small window admitted very little light .

  4. 在不施硒的情况下,随盐胁迫程度的加大,小白菜质膜透性逐渐增大,盐胁迫使小白菜叶片相对电导率显著提高21.82%-41.43%。

    Without applicating selenium , plasma membrane penetrability of pakchoi cabbage is gradually increased with the degree of salt-stress increased , relative electrical conductivity of leaves in pakchoi cabbage was increased obviously 21.82 % - 41.43 % under salt-stress .

  5. 你为什么要住在这里这小地方简直糟透了。

    Why do you want to live here & it is a dreadful hole !

  6. 小网格窄带疏透结构护田林带气象效应

    The meteorological effect of the sparse and narrow forest belt with small network for farm protection

  7. 小展弦比透平动叶栅二次流涡系演变及气动特性数值分析

    Numerical analysis of the development of secondary flow vortices and aerodynamic characteristics of a small aspect ratio turbine rotor cascade

  8. 随浓度增加,重金属离子均引起小白菜细胞膜透性逐渐增加,但幼芽长度降低。发芽率与细胞膜透性间存在一定的相关关系。

    With increasing concentrations , membrane permeability was increased by every heavy metal ion , but the shoot length was decreased .

  9. 制得的共混物综合性能好,对水蒸气、氧气及非极性小分子的阻透性很高,力学性能变化不大。

    Ultimately , blend has good comprehensive performance , the barrier property for water vapor or oxygen and other non-polar small molecules is very high , mechanical properties just change a little .

  10. 连他那昏暗低矮的小房子,都透进了春天那无比美妙的渴望氛围。

    Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him , penetrating even his dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing .

  11. 已经长大成人的路易在机舱里颠簸,子弹突破了轰炸机的外壳,也打中了里面的人,炮火在机舱外壳上打出一个个小圆点,光亮透进来,就像用铅笔在白纸上戳出窟窿一样容易。

    There , the adult Louie , as he was called , bounces through the plane while bullets begin shredding its exterior and soon its occupants , the fusillade opening little circles of light in the hull as effortlessly as a pencil punches holes in paper .

  12. 特异性的小分子荧光探针以其体积小、膜透性好、背景噪音低以及制备方便的优点成为蛋白质研究的一个有力工具。

    Site-specific small-molecule fluorescent probe with advantages of small size , membrane permeability , low background and simple preparation will be a.