
  • 网络I Not Stupid;Aku Tak Bodoh;I Am Not Stupid
  1. 梁智强的最新电影――《小孩不笨》尖锐地说出许多社会弊病,重点描述了三个em3学生所面对的压力和不公平待遇。

    Focusing on the pressure and unfair treatment faced by three EM3 pupils , Jack Neo 's latest movie " I Not Stupid ", puts many negative social consequences of our education system under the spotlight .

  2. 第四部分以这两个理论框架为基础对电影《小孩不笨2》当中的语码转换进行分析和研究。

    In chapter four , the author selects some typical instances of code-switching in the movie I Not Stupid Too and analyzes the grammatical constituents and pragmatic functions of them based on the two theories .

  3. 通过分析,作者得出了两个结论:(1)影片《小孩不笨2》当中的语码转换遵循着一定的语法规则。

    The author gets two conclusions through the analysis : ( 1 ) Code-switching in the movie follows some grammatical rules .

  4. 我对新加坡教育制度的看法&看《小孩不笨》有感●蔡慧玲虽然升上大学,很多时候还是怀疑自己的能力,是不是可以应付未来的挑战。

    Despite having made it to university , I still go through periods of self-doubt time and again over my ability to meet future challenges .