
xiǎo rì zi
  • Little Day;easy life of a small family;cozy and happy life of a small family
小日子 [xiǎo rì zi]
  • (1) [easy life of a small family]

  • (2) 指人口少,经济上尚富裕的家庭生活(多用于年轻夫妇) b [口]∶指家庭生活

小日子[xiǎo rì zi]
  1. 他们的小日子过得挺舒坦。

    They lead a happy and snug life .

  2. 你这小日子过得可够滋润的啊。

    You are living a really comfortable life !

  3. 而其他人都只围着自己的小日子转罢了。

    Everyone else is too busy living his own little mini drama .

  4. 但对于一些教员而言,重要的只是他们习以为常的小日子。

    But for some faculty members , all that matters is their cozy routine .

  5. 然而实际上,数量惊人的投稿人反其道而行之,通过追求一种幸福的小日子找到了自己的人生目标。

    In fact , a surprising number of people found their purpose by going the other way , by pursuing the small , happy life .

  6. 需要:现在在英超混得小日子还挺滋润,所以斯托克可能会考虑在他们的中场增加多些人手,现在重担全压在爱瑟林顿一个人身上。

    What they need : Now an established Premier League outfit , Stoke could do with more creativity in their midfield , where too much rests on the shoulders of Matthew Etherington .

  7. 但,我们不应该忙到忽视我们生活中真正重要的事情,比如:过好我们自己的小日子、发展志趣、多花些时间陪伴家人、花时间读读书等等。我们每个人都需要时间去放松、思考、学习和成长。

    But we should not get so busy that we neglect the truly important things in life , like developing our personal life , spending more time to our family , taking time to read etc. We all need time to relax , to think and meditate , to learn and grow .

  8. 伊丽莎白王后:其实我两次拒绝你的求婚,不是因为我不爱你,而是因为我受不了王室的生活:四处出访,还有公众责任,我不可能再安心过自己的小日子。

    Queen Elizabeth : You know , I refused your first two marriage , not because I didn 't love you , but because I couldn 't bear the idea of a life could bear the idea of a life of tours and public duties , a life that no longer was really to be my own .

  9. 但尽管他的动机是自私自利的,却使卡乐门周围的小国家日子过得舒服多了。

    But though his reasons were selfish , it made things much more comfortable for all the smaller countries round Calormen .

  10. 但是他们过的日子并不得幸福,她老公经常会打她,还经常在外乱来,可想小幽日子过得好惨哪!

    But they had not happy day , Her husband often call her , but also often outside , deep freeze to small day very miserably !

  11. 他周游世界,靠施展小聪明过日子。

    He traveled around the world , living by his wits .

  12. 我认识一个人,好多年来他就靠施展小聪明过日子

    I know a fellow who live for year by his wit

  13. 他在海外胡作非为了一段很短的时期,靠他的小聪明过日子。

    He rioted abroad for a brief term , living by his wits .

  14. 若不是身心交瘁,她本可以凭她天生的小聪明过日子。

    Without the breakdown she would have got by upon the native wit .

  15. 我好怀念家里有个小宝宝的日子。

    I-I just really miss having a baby around .

  16. 也许你可以靠小聪明混日子,但我不希望你这样。

    Perhaps you may live by your wits , but I don 't hope so .

  17. 他说这些文人都是靠着有小聪明过日子,写的作品能给他们带来所要的东西。

    He said that these literature people lived by their wits and the works they wrote would give them what wanted .

  18. 我没能找到一份稳定的工作,所以这几年不得不靠施展些小聪明过日子。

    I couldn 't get a permanent job , so I had to live by my wits for a couple of years .

  19. 汤姆从学校毕业以后找不到工作,就靠耍小聪明过日子,结果犯了罪。

    Unable to get a job when he left school , Tom lived by his wits and in the end turned to crime .

  20. 我永远也不会忘记和农民们一起住在那个小山村的日子,这对我影响很大。

    I shall never forget the years when I lived in the country with the farmers , which has a great effect on me .

  21. 我们逛弗莱堡集市的那天,正是新一代造月者发射第一颗小月亮的日子。

    The day we spent at the Fryeburg Fair was the day the first little moon was launched by the new race of moon-makers .

  22. 否则,你只能在酒神节中的狂欢中籍着自己的一点小聪明过日子:在这40分钟的音乐里,碎屑变成财富,这个世界则都是对你的奖赏!

    Instead , just live vicariously through this Dionysian testament to living by your wits : 40 minutes where rags become riches and the world is your reward .

  23. 一位老板称,去年丑闻爆发后,银行停止贷款给移动通讯业,这让那些尚未达到收支平衡的小企业,日子艰难无比。

    After the scandal erupted last year , says one boss , banks cut off credit to the industry , making life hardest for the small firms that have yet to break even .

  24. 见鬼.曼哈顿就在你脚下我能看出来这里吸引人的所在景色还可以不这才是这个商店我最喜欢的地方嗨小丫头有日子没见你了嗨他们怎么搞到顶层公寓了?

    Hell . Manhattan at your feet . I can see the appeal The view 's okay . Now , this is my favorite part of the store . Hey there , Missy . Hey . I haven 't seen you in a while . Hey . How did they get the penthouse ?

  25. 他们住在市里的一个小公寓里,日子过得很清贫。

    They lived in poverty in a small apartment in the city .

  26. 还记得你是个小婴儿的那些日子吗?

    Do you still remember the days when you are a baby !

  27. 我记得我小的时候,日子过得很苦。

    I remember when I was a young boy , life was tough .

  28. 比如我有个朋友,几周前她还年入数百万,如今她却沦落到了爱荷华州,在小货车里过日子了。

    For example , I have one friend , just a few weeks ago , she was making millions of dollars a year , and shes now living out of a van in Iowa .