
  1. 伊莎贝尔是个轻佻、没头脑的小女人,非常虚荣又反复无常。

    Isabelle was a frivolous little fool , vain and flighty .

  2. 而YoYo他很了解我这个小女人。

    And Yo Yo understands me well .

  3. 小女人散文就是典型的代表。

    " Small Woman 's Essay " is the typical representative .

  4. 女人终究是小女人。

    After all , a woman is a small woman .

  5. 小女人散文:飘浮在商潮之上

    " Little Ladies ' Prose " : Floating above the Business Tide

  6. 小女人散文风行原因初探

    The Reasons of the Popularity of The Prose of the Little Women

  7. 父亲总是把他的女儿塑造成一个小女人。

    A father is always making his baby into a little woman .

  8. 她也将是你生命里最重要的小女人哦!

    You are the best ever in her life .

  9. 雷斯本用把小女人用的枪达了他一枪。

    Rathbone nailed Artie with a little sissy gun .

  10. 巴里博士说这就是所谓的小女人综合症。

    " This is the little woman syndrome . " says Dr. Berry .

  11. 看来,这个小女人又在准备着大变化了。

    It seems that this little woman has had in preparing for major changes .

  12. 她是个温柔的小女人,她…还是个寡妇

    She is a sweet little lady . She -- she 's a widow .

  13. 小女人散文与晚明小品文

    " Little Women 's Prose " and Familiar Essays of the Late Ming Dynasty

  14. 我清楚你的心这个时候在流血,你这个小女人。

    I know your heart is bleeding at this moment , your little woman .

  15. 好象我是个可怜而伤心的小女人。

    Like some pathetic , brokenhearted little bitch .

  16. 上了年纪的畸形驼背的小女人。

    A little oldish misshapen stooping woman .

  17. 小女人打开了一个秘密的地方,给公主看了一个影子。

    And the tiny woman opened a secret place , and showed the Princess a shadow .

  18. 羊倌又走到另一座桥边,看见一个小女人正在一个鸡蛋壳里洗澡。

    The shepherd came to another bridge , where another little lady was bathing in an eggshell .

  19. 而这小女人的“小生意”今日连遭“撞击”,不正需要你们的支持吗。

    And this small woman 's " bidness " needs support after the pounding it took today .

  20. 他不能给她幸福,他不能让她做个幸福小女人。

    He cannot give her to be happy , he cannot let her be a happy concubine .

  21. 小女人综合症:现在,许多家庭中夫妻双方都工作。

    The " Little Woman " Syndrome : Today , there are many couples in which both husband and wife work .

  22. 媒体时代散文语言的特点&以小女人散文为例

    The Character of Essay 's Language in the Period Medium & Take the Example of " Small Woman 's Essay "

  23. 这就是为啥像你这么一个家庭背景的小女人想要做这么大的生意的时候,非得忙得团团转。

    Which is why a little woman of your background woulda had a hands full , trying to run a big business like that .

  24. 真是林子大了,什么鸟都有。5、60岁的老男人居然个个都想找20岁的小女人!

    The grove has been really big , any bird has . 5th , 60 year-old man each one wants to look for20 year-old concubine unexpectedly !

  25. 我是你的母亲、你的妻子、你的女儿,你的姐妹,你的情人,你的知己、你的朋友、你的小女人。

    I 'm your mother , your wife , your daughter , your sister , your lover , your confidant , your friend , your little woman .

  26. 这个小女人不知不觉地,出现在他白天挥之不去的幻想里,出现他在夜晚情欲燥热的梦境中,让他受尽折磨。

    She was the child-woman who , unknowingly , had tormented him with fantasies he could not exorcise by day , and with erotic fever-dreams by night .

  27. 妈妈一直坚持认为,他们应该签署自己的信件的名字,那个灰色头发的小女人让妈妈教她如何去做。

    Mum always insisted that people signed their own letters , and the small woman with the grey hair asked mum to teach her how to do it .

  28. 我们发现女王是一个彬彬有礼而且很勤劳的“小女人”,她是一个很好的邻居,待人和气。

    What we find is that the Queen is a courteous , hard working " wee wifie " who is a good neighbour and treats others with decency .

  29. 16岁的珍妮是一个智慧开朗的小女人,就读于英国伦敦乡下一所女子学校的预科班,她的后果很好,是众所等候考上牛津大学的“种子选手”。

    In1961 London , Jenny Mellor is a16-year-old schoolgirl , on track to enter Oxford University when she meets a charming older man , David Goldman , who pursues her romantically .

  30. 我是一个性格随和开朗,贤慧美丽,善良诚实,宽厚温和,知书达理的小女人。

    I am that a character is amiable , virtuous beauty , good and honest honesty , lenient mild ,( and ) know the book and reach the young woman of reason .