
  • 网络Who is the most beautiful;Who Is The Fairest
  1. 帕里斯受命决定谁是最漂亮的女人。

    Paris was tasked with choosing who the most beautiful was .

  2. 魔镜,魔镜谁是最漂亮的人?

    Mirror , Mirror , Who is the most beautiful ?

  3. 理查德,除了我以外,谁是最漂亮的女人?

    Richard , apart from me , who is the most beautiful woman ?

  4. 你觉得谁是最漂亮的女人?

    Who 's the most beautiful woman for you ?

  5. 他是因为跟别人争谁的妈妈最漂亮才打架的。

    He was FIGHTING OVER WHO has the prettiest mom .

  6. 同样,北京CN酒吧员工李晨俊(音译)也表示酒吧之间的激烈竞争催生了一场名副其实的争夺赛,看谁能聘请到最漂亮的女孩。

    Likewise Li Chenjun , an employee at Beijing ` s CN Club , said that fierce competition between bars leads to a veritable arms race in who can employ the most beautiful female face .

  7. 谁是你们学校最漂亮的女生?

    Who is the most beautiful gril student in your school ?

  8. 我们来比赛堆雪人吧。看谁的最快最漂亮。

    Let 's play snowman and see who can play the most beautiful one .

  9. 魔镜!魔镜!谁是世界上最漂亮的人?

    Mirror mirror on the wall , who 's the fairest of them all ?

  10. 当她照镜子的时候,她问:“告诉我,墙上的魔镜,谁是世界上最漂亮的人?”

    As she looked in the glass , she asked : " Tell me , glass upon the wall , who is most beautiful of all ?"