
  • 网络To Believe Again
  1. 我很想能再次相信他

    And I want to be able to trust him again .

  2. 我们开始,最后,再次相信自己

    we are starting , at last , to believe in ourselves again ,

  3. 眼见为实,后引起怀疑,或许最后又再次相信。

    Seeing is believing . And then disbelieving . And maybe believing once more .

  4. 让我们再次相信它吧。

    Make us believe it again .

  5. 张丽再次相信了他的谎言,马上汇给了他一笔钱。

    Zhang once again believe his lies , he immediately sinks to the sum of money .

  6. 那样。我再次相信爱情需要缘分,可是就像老师说过的那句话。

    It must be appreciated that the predestined love could be seek for but could not ask for .

  7. 你现在能留在我的怀抱中,而我知道我能让您再次相信。

    You can stay in my arms now , and I know I can make you believe again .

  8. 僖芽的音乐使我们再次相信,艺术不是身体或脑力,而是心灵的表达。

    Lee Hee-Ah 's music convinces us again that art is not a body or brain but the expression of a soul .

  9. 因为这一友好的举动,这个善良,慷慨的美国小男孩再次相信,这个世界仍然有好人存在,而且他从此以后再也没有忘记这一点。

    With this one act of kindness , a kind and generous American had rekindled a belief that there really was some good in the world .

  10. 他说,就算奥巴马医改大获成功,“让人们再次相信政府能够妥善处理大事也会变得更加困难。”

    Even if the law becomes a runaway success , he said , " Reviving the idea that government can do big things right will be harder . "

  11. 大多数人再次相信,他们已经找到了一种不劳而获的永无止境的财富。

    Once again large segments of the population have come to believe that they have found the way to unending wealth by doing little or no real work .

  12. 我们保护国家的任务还没有完成,但是今晚,我们再次相信,美国人民可以完成任何我们下定决心完成的事情。

    The cause of securing our country is not complete . But tonight , we are once again reminded that America can do whatever we set our mind to .

  13. 我碰到那样的前夫,让我再次相信男人还真是不太容易。那家伙把工具随便扔在院子里,让孩子们乱来。

    And it was not easy for me to trust a man after the husband that I 'd had.This guys left tools in the yard , let the kids run wild .

  14. 答案并不在报告的细节之中,而是在于,印度及其投资者再次相信,在这个亚洲第三大经济体中实现10%的增长目标,是有可能的。

    The answer lies not so much in the detail as in India , and its investors , once again believing that an ambition of 10 per cent growth in Asia 's third-largest economy is possible .

  15. 这种改变世界的感觉带来了心中的一股暖流,让我再次相信:只有发自内心的选择才能够支撑你渡过一个又一个难关。

    This change has brought the world the feeling of warm current in mind , let me once again believe that : Only from the heart of the choices will be able to support you through one impasse after another .

  16. 同为民主党人的安德鲁?科莫,于2010年参加州长竞选,并轻松取胜。他承诺要“重建政府,重塑能力,重拾信任,让州民能够再次相信政府”。纽约民众曾对此不以为然。

    When Andrew Cuomo , a Democrat like his predecessors , handily won the 2010 governor 's race on a promise to " rebuild the government , restore competence , restore trust , [ and ] get the people of this state believing once again , " New Yorkers gave a cynical snort .

  17. 茨万吉拉伊表示,他仍然深信退选是正确的决定。茨万吉拉伊再次表示相信,这次的选举是不合法,是虚假的。

    Tsvangirai said he remains convinced his decision to withdraw was the right decision , and he again said he believes the election will be an illegitimate sham .

  18. 这些事件再次使我相信对更好信息的需要。

    These events reaffirm my belief in the need for better information .

  19. 换句话说,不要把他们逐出教会,反要重建他们的信心,使他们再次坚定不移地相信耶稣基督。

    In other words , don 't throw them out of the church but win them to a new place of faith and trust in Jesus Christ .

  20. 不过,上周在安菲尔德迎战布莱克本的比赛中,基尔贾科斯发挥出色。此番再次造访博尔顿,相信他会有更可靠的表现。

    On the back of his standout performance against Blackburn at Anfield last weekend , Kyrgiakos should be much more assured this time round .