
xiǎo sēn lín
  • Small forest;bosk;bosque;holt
小森林[xiǎo sēn lín]
  1. 他在贝克斯利的住宅坐落在一片小森林中。

    His home in Bexley is tucked away in a miniature forest .

  2. 这一片小森林,树叶终年青葱;

    Here is a little forest , Whose leaf is ever green ;

  3. 警察在郊区的小森林里发现了一个不知名的男人的碎尸。

    An unknown man 's dismembered body was found by the police in the suburb woods .

  4. 憎恨他的人,何止千百万,甚至有人要把他抓来碎尸万段。警察在郊区的小森林里发现了一个不知名的男人的碎尸。

    The hatred against him was so intense that millions of people would have loved to tear him limb from limb or burn him at the stake . An unknown man 's dismembered body was found by the police in the suburb woods .

  5. 爸爸:奥林匹克公园里有一个小的森林。

    Dad : the Olympic Park has a small forest .

  6. 小流域森林生态系统林地土壤渗透性能研究

    Soil Permeability Research on Small Area Forest Watershed Ecosystem

  7. 小尺度森林生态功能分区研究&以台湾惠荪林场为例

    Zoning to forestry ecosystem functions : A case of Hui-Sun Forest Station in Taiwan

  8. 小流域森林生态环境治理决策支持系统的研制

    A Study on Decision Support System for Forest Ecosystem Management in a Small Watershed

  9. 小金县森林公安局的警察使用环状的绳索将被困的红熊猫救下。

    Authorities from the Xiaojin Forestry Bureau captured the stranded panda using a looped rope .

  10. 小流域森林破碎化对辽东栎种群影响的研究

    Effects of Forest Fragmentation on Oak ( Quercus Liaotungensis ) Populations of a Small Watershed

  11. 从森林带到森林草原交错带,森林斑块变小、森林景观破碎化程度提高。

    From forest zone to the ecotone , forest patch size decreases while forest fragmentation increases .

  12. 三峡库区小流域森林植被理水调洪规律的研究

    Forest Vegetation Impacts on Water Conservation and Flood at Small Watershed Scale in Three Gorges Reservation Basin

  13. 在小尺度森林景观经营评价上,引进层次分析方法作为模拟结果评价的方法,建立了层次分析法的模型结构。

    In forest management evaluation , the author introduced The Analytic Hierarchy Process , and built the model .

  14. 北京小龙门森林生态系统定位站土壤螨类的垂直分布和季节变动

    Vertical distribution and seasonal dynamics of soil mites from Xiao Longmen ecosystem research station , beijing , China

  15. 这类似于让偶然爆发的小规模森林火灾烧掉那些低矮的灌木丛,而不是将其扑灭,并甘冒酿成大火的风险。

    It is akin to allowing occasional small forest fires to clear the brushwood , rather than extinguishing them and risking a huge conflagration .

  16. 文章以天水小陇山森林土壤为例,分析了自然状态下森林土壤养分各指标含量和肥力之间的关系。

    The Diversity of Soil Fungi and Its Relations with Fertility Factors in Taxus chinensis ( Pilg . ) Rehd Community of Xiaolongshan of Tianshui City ;

  17. 本文从森林流域水文过程的物理机制出发,研制了降雨径流过程的数学演算体系和计算模型,并用于分析预测小流域森林采伐和造林所引起的径流变化。

    Based on the physical principles of hydrological phenomena in small forested watershed , a mathematical model of rainfall-runoff process is proposed and validated in this paper . The model is used to analyze and predict runoff changes caused by clear-cutting or afforestation .

  18. 当前,我国南方集体林区的林业产权制度改革正在全面铺开,已经明晰产权的大量分散的小规模森林如何实现可持续经营,成了南方各省制定产权制度改革配套政策的焦点。

    At present , the forestry property right system reform in collective forest area in Southern China is implementing . How to implement sustainable forest management which has a clear property right has become the focus of the supporting policies concerning property right system reform in Southern China .

  19. 一只小兔子正在森林里采蘑菇。

    A little rabbit is picking mushrooms in a forest .

  20. 小兴安岭森林落叶分解与土壤动物的作用

    Decomposition of forest defoliation and role of soil animals in Xiao Hinggan Mountains

  21. 小兴安岭森林土壤动物群落多样性的研究

    Diversity of Soil Animals Community in Xiao Hinggan Mountains

  22. 小茉莉:森林有轻轻的沙沙声,溪流有清脆的水声!

    Christy : There is rustle in forest , ringing voice in rivulet !

  23. 小兴安岭森林生态系统中小型土壤动物生态地理分布特征

    Ecogeographical Distribution Characteristic of Soil Mesofauna in Forest Ecosystem of Xiao Hinggan Mountains

  24. 这个小女孩在森林中迷路了。

    The little girl got lost in the forest .

  25. 江宁小流域主要森林类型水源涵养功能研究

    Study on Water Conservation Function of Main Forest Types in Jiangning Small Watershed

  26. 小兴安岭森林培育模式的探讨

    Study on Forest Cultivation Patterns of Xiao Xing'an Ling

  27. 最终得到柞水县小岭镇森林资源的基本情况。

    It gets the basic situation of forest resources in Zhashui counties , XiaoLin towns .

  28. 人工落叶松林土壤动物生物量的研究小兴安岭森林土壤动物群落多样性的研究

    Biomass of soil animals in larch plantation Diversity of Soil Animals Community in Xiao Hinggan Mountains

  29. 有一天,天气很热,国王的小女儿到森林里去。

    One day , the king 's daughter went into the forest when it was very hot .

  30. 小兴安岭森林沼泽植物营养元素积累与分配规律的研究

    On the Distributive and Accumulative Laws of Nutrient Elements in Plants of Forestry Marsh in the Less Xing ' An Mountains