
  • 网络Chasing Love;Great Wall My Love;Great Wall Great Love
  1. 尽管这种方式可能并没有穿着熊猫套装求婚来的有创意,但是你应该为这位老师大胆追爱的勇气点赞,虽然很可能她并不想让人们看到她的脸。

    And while it wasn 't quite as creative as proposing in a panda suit , you got to give this professor credit for being brave enough to show her love -- even if she didn 't want to show her face .

  2. 但这并不足以阻止卡勒姆。这场追爱之旅让他被捕、失去了公司董事长的职业,而且根据他的说法,他被禁止进入的国家比奥萨马·本拉登还多。

    This was not enough to deter Culum , however , from a quest that has seen him arrested , lose his job as a company director and , as he put it , get banned from ' more countries than Osama Bin Laden ' .

  3. 用鲜花和绿叶使室内芬芳,馥郁的花香撒满我安睡的卧床;我的灵魂,追随着爱的踪迹,四处飘荡。

    They made the chamber sweet with flowers and leaves , and bed sweet with flowers on which I lay ; while my soul , love bound , boilered on its way .