
zhuī dǎ
  • chase to beat;running battle
  1. 而且就在今年,Constance被颁发限制令,原因是她被诉威胁要追打并杀了LaurelWigg和她儿子。

    And just this year she was issued a restraining order for allegedly threatening to ' hunt down and kill ' Laurel Wigg and her son .

  2. 而在第七天,我么相互追打。

    But on the seventh , we pounded each other .

  3. 汤姆:你为什么追打我的小狗?

    Tom : why did you beat my dog ?

  4. 就像小学高年级男生追打女生。

    Like an eighth-grade boy punching a girl .

  5. 有人曾多次目睹她用一根很粗棍子追打那只猫。

    Someone had seen her beat Edward 's cat with a rough stick for several times .

  6. 锤子把魔鬼追打得在铺子里团团转,锤遍他的全身,狠狠地揍他。

    The hammer swung the devil around the shop and beat him everywhere , and beat him hard .

  7. 是关于暴走熊妈妈闯入学校疯狂追打老师。

    Yeah , it was about a mama bear that wandered into a classroom and chased a teacher .

  8. 看见一群孩子手持树枝,正在追打一只小青蛙。

    Each kid had a stick in hand and they were beating the frog as the frog ran .

  9. 老人有一只顽皮的猴子。猴子在追打苍蝇。

    When the fly sits on the old man 's nose again , the monkey hits it hard with the stone .

  10. �哈利庆幸学校已经放假了。可是他仍然逃脱不了达德里那一帮朋友的追打。他们隔一天就来一次。

    Harry was glad school was over , but there was no escaping Dudley 's gang , who visited the house every single day .

  11. 在“愤怒的新娘”这个游戏中,玩家以拥有多个手臂的印度教女神手上拿着的细高跟鞋和长统靴等物品为武器追打几位新郎。

    The player assumes the role of a Hindu goddess whose many arms can throw projectiles like stiletto-heeled shoes and construction boots at potential husbands .

  12. 专卖局的警察,以取缔私卖烟卷为名,开始追打沿街叫卖的孩子,抢走他们的烟卷。

    Police of the monopoly bureau , under the excuse of stopping the illegal sale of cigarettes , began attacking child peddlers and robbing them of their cigarettes .

  13. 再不会有人那样喝水还耍帅,模仿王力宏扔矿泉水瓶子,拿着笤帚和我追打,走廊上故意伸腿拌我摔倒

    And then no one would also like to drink water Shuashuai , Lee Hom imitate threw mineral water bottles , and I took Tiaozhou Zhuida , corridors Shentui deliberately mix * I fall

  14. 但您要知道,林肯号一直追逐您到太平洋北部海面。仍然认为是追打一种海怪,非把它从海洋中清除掉不可呢。

    But please understand that the Abraham Lincoln chased you over the Pacific high seas in the belief it was hunting some powerful marine monster , which had to be purged from the ocean at all cost .

  15. 他声称帕索利尼追上去打他,把他推倒在烂泥里。

    He claims Pasolini overtook and tackled him , pushing him into the dirt .

  16. 由于最近我们没办法跟政府一样得到所有的资讯,我们被对手阵营追著打。

    Recently , we were handicapped by the opposition because we cannot compete with the government in all those information .

  17. 他拿着根球棒追着我打。

    He grabbed a bat and ran after me with it .

  18. 他停住了车,倒攥着布子,拚命的追着狗打。

    He stopped , grabbed his dust-whisk by the whisk-end and raced after the cur .

  19. 消费者债务系列。本文将说明消费者在与追债公司打交道时的权利。

    A fact sheet that explains what your rights are when dealing with a collection agency .

  20. 他们似乎把追着哈利打当成了他们最喜欢的活动。

    The rest of them were all quite happy to join in Dudley 's favorite sport : Harry Hunting .

  21. 姚明说:但愿他不再那么好斗,不要在看台上追着人打。

    " Hopefully , he 's not fighting anymore and going after a guy in the stands ," Yao said .

  22. 其实我刚才就想告诉你了,姑娘追,姑娘追,意思是只许姑娘追打小伙子,小伙子是不许还手的。

    Actually I wanted to tell you just now that in the girls'chase , the girls are allowed to chase and hit boys but boys are not allowed to hit back .