
  • 网络the last ride
  1. 但最后,骑士队虽然避免了横扫的尴尬,但他们结束赛季的方式也只能用虎头蛇尾来形容。

    In the end , the Cavaliers got their requisite single face-saving game , but the end result was ... anticlimactic .

  2. 榜单前十名中的其它外国影片为《变形金刚5:最后的骑士》、《摔跤吧!爸爸》、《加勒比海盗5:死无对证》和《金刚:骷髅岛》。

    Other top ten foreign pictures were Transformers : The Last Knight , Dangal , Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Men Tell No Tales , and Kong : Skull Island .

  3. 最后,骑士队依然面临着控卫位置上的防守问题,但他们并没有在使其长期前景豁然开朗的同时,严重影响到他们的短期前景。

    Ultimately , the Cavs are still going to have issues on defense at point guard , but they haven 't gravely affected their short-term outlook while significantly brightening their long-term one .