
  1. 她相信上帝会做最好的安排的。

    She had to trust in the Almighty to do the rest .

  2. 然而,在进行结对编程时,最好的安排座位的方法又是怎样的呢?

    However , what is the best way to sit while pairing ?

  3. 我只希望费欧娜能有最好的安排。

    I only wanted what was best for fiona .

  4. 一切都是最好的安排!

    Everything Is Under Best Arragement !

  5. 请至少提前一天告诉我们您的出差计划,以便我们为您作最好的安排。

    Please let us know about the change of your class schedule at least one day earlier .

  6. 的确,最好的安排似乎与我们现在观察到的模式相反。

    Indeed , the best arrangement would seem to be the opposite of the pattern we observe now .

  7. 我们必须相信:目前我们所拥有的,不论顺境、逆境,都是对我们最好的安排。

    We must believe : now we have , whether in prosperity , adversity , are our best arrangement .

  8. 回想起来,内在体验虽然来得晚了一些,但是对我而言,这样应该是最好的安排。

    Looking back now , though my inner experience came later , I know it was the best arrangement for me .

  9. 他起初觉得很是得意,向嘉莉吐露说,他认为自己作出了最好的安排。

    His first inclination was to be elated , and he confided to Carrie that he thought he had made an excellent arrangement .

  10. 渐渐的我明白一切都是最好的安排(当然有很多的过程)我学会了坚强,当我拔掉蛀牙时,我终于感到自己是如此的轻松,如此的快乐。

    Gradually I understand everything is the best arrangement ( of course , there are many process ) I learned when I pull , I finally cavities of feel so easily , so happy .

  11. 劳伦斯建议说,最好的办法是事先安排好工作。

    The best advice , he suggests , is to plan ahead .