
  1. 又及:请再把您的传真号码发给我好吗?

    PS Could you send me your fax number again ?

  2. 请在明天早晨5:30打电话叫醒我好吗?

    Could I have an alarm call at 5.30 tomorrow , please ?

  3. 把那边那个东西递给我好吗?

    Can you pass me that thing over there ?

  4. 你到机场接我好吗?

    Will you meet me at the airport ?

  5. 把报纸给我好吗?

    Give us the newspaper , will you ?

  6. 请你把报纸扔给我好吗?

    Chuck me the newspaper , would you ?

  7. 请把账单给我好吗?

    Can I have the check , please ?

  8. 你下次进城顺便来看看我好吗?

    Why don 't you look in on me next time you 're in town ?

  9. 请把那条毛巾扔给我好吗?

    Can you throw me that towel ?

  10. 请把你所有的工具借给我好吗?这样我就可以在家里检修我的汽车了。

    May I borrow your bag of tricks so that I can service my car at home ?

  11. 请你明天早晨六点钟左右敲门叫醒我好吗?因为我必须赶上去北京的早班车。

    Would you mind knocking me up at about six o'clock tomorrow morning as I must catch an early train to beijing ?

  12. 请把那本书递给我好吗?

    Will you have the kindness to hand me that book ?

  13. 请把您的取款条和存折给我好吗?

    Would you please give your withdrawal slip and your passbook ?

  14. 请把遥控器递给我好吗?

    Could you hand me the remote control pleautomotive service engineers ?

  15. 您准备好点菜请叫我好吗?

    Would you call me when you 're ready to order ?

  16. 请你把账单连同咖啡一起送来给我好吗?

    Could you please bring me the check with the coffee ?

  17. 把那边的电话本拿给我好吗?

    Would you get that phone book over there for me ?

  18. 把酸黄瓜递给我好吗?我又没嫁给他。

    Could you please pass the pickles ? We 're not married .

  19. 打扰一下,那个女孩是谁,告诉我好吗?

    Excuse me , would you tell me who that girl is ?

  20. 有个问题很久前就想问你,你回答我好吗?

    I want to ask you a question , please answer me .

  21. 嘿,请你别用枪指着我好吗?

    Hey , you mind taking that gun out of my face ?

  22. 如有捡到者,请归还我好吗?

    If the finder could return it to me * ?

  23. 把瓶子扔给我好吗,蒂米?

    Toss me the bottle , will you , Timmy ?

  24. 噢,到那儿时请你告诉我好吗?

    Oh , will you tell me when I get there , please ?

  25. 请你拿些饮料给我好吗?

    Gould you get me something to drink please ?

  26. 请你把他的名字拼给我好吗?

    Will you please spell his name for me ?

  27. 把拖鞋递给我好吗,他们在床下。

    Can you reach me my slippers ? They are under the bed .

  28. 别打扰我好吗,我马上就要有重大发现了。

    Don'interrupt me . I 'm on the verge of a great discovery !

  29. 聚会后你开车来接我好吗?

    Will you pick me up after the party ?

  30. 他那样做是为我好吗?

    Was he doing that for my benefit ?