
  1. 我不爱跟他来往。

    I don 't like having anything to do with him .

  2. 我不爱喝温乎乎的汤。

    I hate lukewarm soup .

  3. 狮子座Leo从这秒开始,我不爱你了。

    From now on , I can 't love you anymore .

  4. 哦Andrew你觉得我不爱你,所以不会戒酒?

    Oh , Andrew , you don 't think I love you enough to give up alcohol ?

  5. 但是那并不意味我不爱你。

    But that doesn 't mean I don 't love you .

  6. 你的意思是不是说,我不爱妈?

    Are you saying that I don 't love my mother ?

  7. 我不爱你。你让我感到讨厌。

    I do not love you . I hate you feel .

  8. 我不爱你我能接受。

    I don 't love you . I can accept that .

  9. 我不爱你除了因为我爱你;

    I do not love you except because I love you ;

  10. 男人:但愿如此。我不爱坐飞机。

    Man : So do I.I don 't like flying .

  11. 虽然我不爱他,但那时候我哭了。

    I did not love him but I cried then .

  12. 我不爱你,所以请你离开。

    I do not love you , so please leave .

  13. 为什麽呢?因为我不爱你们吗?有天主知道!

    Wherefore ? Because I love you not ? God knoweth it .

  14. 不是我不爱你。

    It 's not that I don 't love you . I -

  15. 给一个我不爱的人。

    To be with a boy I don 't love .

  16. 你怎么会以为我不爱你呢。

    You were wrong to think that I don 't love you .

  17. 但是我不爱你,那也没关系吗?

    But I don 't love you . don 't that matter ?

  18. 如果我不爱你我怎么会给你买钻石耳环呢

    You think I 'd buy you diamond earrings if I didn 't

  19. 我不爱唱歌,也不喜欢玩电脑。新年华学校。

    I don 't enjoy singing , nor do I like computers .

  20. 不了,谢谢,我不爱喝咖啡。

    No , thank you , I am not a coffee person .

  21. 当我不爱你的时候,世界也要复归于混沌了。

    And when I love thee not , Chaos is come again .

  22. 并不意味我不爱他。

    Doesn 't mean I didn 't love him .

  23. 因为我不爱用刑具来折磨人。

    Because I don 't like to torture people .

  24. 不母亲我不爱她

    No mother . I don 't love her .

  25. 如果你告诉我不爱我了我会那样的。

    I will if you tell me that you don 't love me .

  26. 林后十一11为什么?是因我不爱你们么?神晓得。

    Cor.11:11 Why ? Because I do not love you ? God knows .

  27. 而且我不爱说美国腔的英语。

    Li and I wouldn 't like to speak with an American accent .

  28. 我们不能在一起,但是并不代表我不爱你。

    We are not meant to be together although I still love you .

  29. 我不爱看用铅笔写的信。

    I hate to see letters written in pencil .

  30. 除了你,我不爱任何人!

    Don 't love any one , but you !