
  • 网络Little Kid;Teeny Baby;Little Tee-Wee
  1. 我们很吃惊这些小小孩居然能够就这麽一直走下去。

    We were amazed at how the smaller children kept going .

  2. 这个玩具不适合小小孩玩。

    This toy is not suitable for young children .

  3. 自己心里的那个小小孩是否被爱够?

    Have you given love enough to the little child in your heart ?

  4. 诺拉有时喜欢和小小孩一起玩。

    Nora likes to play with little kids sometimes .

  5. 小小孩需要坐安置在后座上的特别儿童坐椅。

    Small children need to be in a special child seat at the back .

  6. 有些小孩坐在大人的膝上,更小的小小孩则坐在小孩的膝上。

    There were children in the laps of adults and smaller children in their laps .

  7. 如果你曾经看过一个小小孩玩你确切地知道我的意思。

    If you have ever watched a small child play you will know exactly what I mean .

  8. 小小孩:如果大山姆发现我们把他的新衬衫埋在沙子里怎么办?

    Little child : What if Big Sam finds out we buried his new shirt in the sand ?

  9. 其它地方还试用过在士字路口附近放空警察监视停,甚至还竖起过真实大小的小小孩与指着测速器的警察剪贴画。

    Other places have tried leaving empty police cruisers near intersections , even erecting life-size cutouts of small children or of a police officer aiming a radar gun .

  10. 大多数大人都喜欢这些小孩,尤其喜欢小小孩,他们一定准备好许多糖果、点心和水果。

    Most adults enjoy seeing the children , especially the little ones , and make sure they are ready with plenty of candy , cookies , and fruit .

  11. 这个老头子真是糊涂虫,要不怎么会没有小孩子哄,就点火玩儿呢。这个玩具不适合小小孩玩。

    What a zany the old chap must be , to light a bonfire when there 's no youngsters to please . This toy is not suitable for young children .

  12. 我是个小小孩,我父母无法买狗给我,因为我们就是没有钱,于是他们没有买狗给我,而是给了我一只蚂蚁——他们告诉我那就是狗。

    I was a tiny kid , and my parents couldn 't get me a dog , ' cause we just didn 't have the money , so they got me , instead of a dog - they told me it was a dog - they got me an ant .

  13. 比我们的孩子年纪小的小孩都已经被送去寄宿学校了。

    Children much younger than ours have been sent away to school .

  14. 如果你家里又很小的小孩、那拉拉也许不适合你。

    A Lab may not be the best dog if you have very small children .

  15. 是的,我六岁的时候在学校参加了小提琴课。作为一个那么小的小孩,你喜欢小提琴课吗?

    Yes , I began violin lessons at school when I was six . As young as that , did you like it ?

  16. 他认为对很小的小孩而言,思考就是大声跟自己讲话,因为小孩即便是自言自语时声音也不小。

    He argued that for very young children , thinking is really talking out loud to oneself because they talk out loud even if they ' re not trying to communicate with someone in particular .

  17. 电影的受众人群的年龄太小,小孩不会为此而感到害怕,而成人、青年人和年长的儿童会认为这样的温柔太过于无聊。”今日美国的普伊格认为缺乏幽默感,曲折的故事情节是这部影片的败笔。”

    They aim low enough so that tots won 't be terrified , but adults , teens and older children may well be bored by the blandness . " Claudia Puig of ' USA Today ' said the film " ishampered by lackluster humor and a meandering story . "

  18. 它实际上是一个张贴小广告的小孩,内行称为“多方利益相关者”模式。

    It is in effect a poster child for what insiders like to call the " multi-stakeholder " model .

  19. 一个世纪前,绝大多数美国人所居住的社区是如此之小,以至于小孩步行的范围内只有一间房的校舍。

    A century ago , the greatest majority of Americans lived in communities so small that only one one-room schoolhouse was within walking distance of small children .

  20. 对待每个人都如此:邮局里感到无聊的员工,在排队等候付账的队伍里着急的母亲,又或者是一个坐在小推车里小孩。

    Try it on everyone and anyone : the bored workers at the post office , a harried mother in front of you at the checkout aisle , or even the toddler sitting in her cart .

  21. 人小耳朵长(小孩耳尖)。

    Little pitchers have big ears .

  22. 或者,如果是一个很小很小的小孩,在他身边躺下,温柔地抱醒他。

    Or , if you 're dealing with a very young child , lie beside him and gently hug him awake .