
xiǎo zhàn
  • small (or way) station;minor bus stop
小站 [xiǎo zhàn]
  • [railhead] 战区内铁路的一个点,部队供应品于此处卸下后进行分配和转运

  1. 她说:“在一个小站找份工作,然后一步步往上爬。”

    Get some work in a small station and work your way up , she said .

  2. 小站信号设备承包的探索与体会

    Exploration and Experience about Contracting Signal Equipment Maintenance at small station

  3. 火车咣当咣当进了小站,“我们到站了,”贝丝说。

    ' Here we are now , ' Beth said , as the train clanked into a tiny station .

  4. PES数据卫星小站的设计与实现

    The design and realization of a small station of PES data satellite

  5. VSAT小站及其在气象远端站的应用

    Small VAST Station and its Applications in Weather Far Station

  6. 我局VAST卫星地球站2004年10月搬迁至新办公楼并投入正常运行,本文作者结合卫星小站搬迁过程的体会及学习,着重介绍了卫星通信信道的调试与应用。

    Our VAST satellite earth station moved to the new bureau building and devoted to normal operation . Combining with the experience in moving process , the authors introduced debugging and application of channel of VAST satellite communications .

  7. 围绕小站现车管理子系统,探讨了应用Flex、EJB、JPA和Oracle技术创建小站系统的四层开发体系,分析设计了应用BlazeDS搭建前后端的通信框架。

    The paper explore the application of Flex , EJB , JPA and Oracle technologies to create the four-layer system , analysis and design of the applications built around the end of the BlazeDS messaging framework .

  8. 随着通信的进展已建立了许多高质量数字语音的新业务,例如象ISDN终端,个人通信业务,移动电话,卫星小站和声音信号存储系统等等应用。

    Advances in communications have created several new services for high quality digital speech . Examples of such applications are ISDN Terminal , PCS , Mobile Telephone , VSAT and Systems for the Storage of Audio Signals .

  9. 通过一个工程实例介绍了提高Ku频段小站抗雨衰能力的方法。对如何充分发挥Ku频段转发器资源和大站高接收性能提出了建议。

    This paper introduces a method which enhance the adaptability to rain loss of Ku earth stations by a engineering example , and gives a suggestion to fully utilize transponders EIRP and earth stations with high G / T value .

  10. SCPC(单路载波)方式通过发射不同频率的载波信号来区分不同小站的信息,主要应用于点到点通信和站与站之间的连续比特数据流连接。

    SCPC differentials the information from different VSATs by means of transmiting different frequency signals , which is mainly applied to point to point communication and VSAT to VSAT continuous bit connection .

  11. 本文介绍了PCVSAT中心主站和单收小站的基本组构成,PCVSAT技术特点和PCVSAT在数据广播和多媒体领域的应用。

    This paper describes the basic construction of PCVSAT hub station and its one way terminal , the technical features of PCVSAT , and its application in data broadcasting and the field of multimedia .

  12. 地震卫星通信网远端小站的故障诊断与处理

    Diagnostic method for remote terminal of China Seismic Satellite Communication Network

  13. 老的铁路小站处于弃置状态。

    The old railway cottages were in a state of dereliction .

  14. 甚至连偏僻不见人烟的小站,都与铁路内部网相连。

    Even the remote small station can connected the internal railway .

  15. 煤使这铁路小站急剧上升到工业的重要位置。

    Coal suddenly rocketed this railroad flag stop into industrial importance .

  16. 远程教育系统中卫星小站的防雷电设计

    Design of the VSAT to Prevent Thunderbolt in the Distance Education System

  17. 列车正冲过一个灯炬齐明的小站。

    The train was passing a small , well-lit station .

  18. 发出信号让火车停车的小站。

    A small station where the train stops only on a signal .

  19. 两列火车在一个小站相遇(即错车)。

    The two trains met at a small station .

  20. 天塌下来也要在各个小窝小站溜溜。

    The heavens down to yo-stations in various pits .

  21. 火车在一个小站停下时,他下了车。

    When the train stopped at a small station , he got off .

  22. 你曾说,小站倍感亲切。

    You said , feel at home station .

  23. 结论小站台水环境应激不同时间都可促进胸腺细胞的凋亡。

    Conclusion Thymus apoptosis may be promoted with different stress time on the platform-over-water .

  24. 火车在某个路边小站停了下来。

    The train stopped at some wayside halt .

  25. 后来列车徐徐地驶进那个小站,将停靠10分钟。

    Then the train was gliding to a ten minutes'stop at the tiny station .

  26. 列车在一个小站停下来。

    The train stopped at a small station .

  27. 今天和卢克在晨风小站

    and Luke today at the Morning Stir .

  28. 小站里有着恬静温暖的灯光。

    There is a quietness and warmth of a lamplight inside a small train stop .

  29. 小站练兵成绩优异,是中国陆军开始向现代转型的标志。

    The excellent achievements of way station training are a sign of Chinese army modernization .

  30. 实际上,在我的几个小站点中,我使用了一些很有侵略性的赚钱方式。

    In fact on some of my smaller sites I use very aggressive monetization strategies .