
  1. 不仅彻底杜绝了油脂飞灰的产生,而且特有的传统炭烤香味是其它小吃车不具有的。

    Not only to eradicate the production of oil fly ash , and char-grilled flavor is a unique tradition of other snack car does not have to .

  2. 多功能小吃车具有完备的物流体系,在最短的时间内免费将设备发送到您所在的县市区。

    Multi snack car with a complete logistics system , in the shortest possible time Free of charge within a device is sent to your county urban area .

  3. 适合地段:学校门口、网吧门口、超市、美食城以及一切人流量大的地方都是本小吃车投放的地点。

    Lot suitable for : School entrance door cafes , supermarkets , Food City , and all people everywhere a large flow of cars running in this snack locations .

  4. 母亲向他道了谢,离开小吃店,回到车上哭了起来。

    My mother thanked him , left the snack bar , and burst into tears in the car .