
  1. 她说,小顺管一切的事;

    She said the waiter took care of that .

  2. 哪里是像五六岁时候的可爱的小顺呀!

    What had happened to the darling little Shun of five or six !

  3. “死了!”小顺简单而急迅地说。

    " Dead ," the boy retorted briefly .

  4. 杆状病毒基因前导小顺反子的序列特征及其翻译衰减调控模型

    Properties of the leading Mini cistron of baculovirus gene and a translation attenuating regulation model

  5. B样条曲线的小波光顺法

    Wavelet-Based Fairing of B-spline Curves

  6. 不同浓度超小超顺磁性氧化铁粒子在兔炎症淋巴结模型中的磁共振强化特征

    Magnetic Resonance Enhancement Features of Inflammatory Lymph Nodes with Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide in Rabbit Model

  7. 超小超顺磁性氧化铁颗粒联合磁化传递对比成像在实验性变态反应性脑脊髓炎的应用

    Application of Magnetic Resonance Contrast Agent Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Combined with Magnetic Transfer Imaging in the Animal Model of Experimental Allergic Encephalopathy

  8. 一种小肽的多顺反子串联表达方法

    A Method of Construction Polycistron Tandem Gene of Small Peptide