
  1. 胖嘟嘟的脸上有两个小酒窝。

    On the fat toot toot face has two small dimples .

  2. 那个生个小酒窝和蓝眼睛的人有什么罪呢?

    And was he to blame with his dimple and his blue eyes ?

  3. 是的,是的,是为那个下巴有一个小酒窝的法国军官,我清楚地记得,我举起手臂又停住了。

    Yes , yes , that officer with the dimple . And I remember clearly how my hand paused when I had lifted it .

  4. 我们可以预期到,乔治会和母亲一样拥有羡煞旁人的小酒窝,以及父亲的面部轮廓,不过,我们也可以预见乔治将能够避免双亲的一些面部特点。

    Although we can expect George to develop the same enviable dimples of his mother and face shapes of his father there are some attributes that the Prince can expect to avoid .

  5. 她凭借早熟的演出技巧、甜甜的小酒窝和金色卷发成为美国大萧条时期最能吸引票房的女演员。

    A precocious performer known for her dimples and golden curls , she became the country 's most popular female star and Hollywood 's top box office attraction in the Great Depression era .