
  • 网络West Side;Westside
  1. 这是西界。

    This is the west side .

  2. 至于其馀的支派:由东界到西界,是本雅明的一份。

    And for the rest of the tribes : from the east side to the west side , one portion for Benjamin .

  3. 就与中国-喜马拉雅属以‘田中线’为其分布东界比较而言,中国-日本属以‘田中线’为其分布西界具有更高的可靠性。

    In comparision with the Sino-Himalayan genera , the Sino-Japanese ones are more strict to ' Tanaka Line ' .

  4. 盆地现今的西界为西缘逆冲推覆带所限,而西缘逆冲推覆带主要形成于晚侏罗世一白垩纪。

    The western of the basin is limited by west-edge thrust nappe belt which formed in early and mid Jurassic .

  5. 西界就是大海,从南界直到哈马口对面之地。

    The west side also shall be the great sea from the border , till a man come over against Hamath .

  6. 紧邻边缘海的苏北平原是南黄海盆地的陆上部分,西界为一系列的低山丘陵呈弧形环绕着平原。

    The Northern Jiangsu Plain , which is above sea level , comprises the continental component of the southern Yellow Sea Basin .

  7. 西边要以大海为界。这就是你们的西界。

    And as for the western border , ye shall even have the great sea for a border : this shall be your west border .

  8. 根据地形、地貌、地震地质特征以及地震活动情况研究了准噶尔西界山带的地震活动性。

    In the paper , the author analyzed the seismicities along the Xijieshan , based on the landform , land feature , seismogeological character and seismic activities .

  9. 在大量地震剖面解释、重磁异常分析的基础上,本文指出了松辽盆地的西界控盆断裂为嫩江断裂。

    This thesis points out that Nenjiang fault controls the western boundary of Songliao basin on basis of interpretation for a many seismic sections and analysis of gravitic abnormality .

  10. 在此构造背景条件下,盆地西界不同时期范围和形态是不同的。早古生代盆地西缘为主动陆缘性质的弧后盆地;

    In above-mentioned geotectonic setting , the western borderline and shape of the basin were different , In early Paleozoic , the western borderline belt of the basin were back-arc basin located in Active triphibian margin .

  11. 通过构造分析和沉积对比,认为盆地的西界在西缘逆冲推覆带之外,而且西界的南部和北部存在差异。

    According to structural analysis and sediment comparison , we judge the western of the basin is outside of west-edge thrust nappe belt . At the same time , the western of the basin is different in the north and south .

  12. 研究区位于华北地台东部,其东界为郯庐断裂,西界为太行山东麓断裂,北界为燕山褶皱带,南界为鲁西隆起。

    The study area is located in the east part of the North China , which is east to the Tan-Lu fault , west to the eastern part of the Taihang Mountain , north to the Yanshan folded belt , and south to the Luxi uplift .

  13. 红松林现实分布区的南界将向北移动0.1~0.6个纬度,北界将向北扩展0.3~0.5个纬度,黑龙江省境内的红松林分布区的西界将向西扩展0.1~0.5个经度。

    The southern boundary of Pinus koraiensis will move 0.1 ~ 0.6 longitudes toward north , Its northern boundary could move 0 3 ~ 0 5 longitudes toward north . The west boundary of Pinus koraiensis in Heilongjiang Province will possibly extend toward west 0 1 ~ 0 5 longitude .

  14. 三倍体无籽西瓜破壳问题的研究,一直是西甜瓜界专家学者研究的重点问题之一。

    The problem of broking of triploid seedless watermelon seed-cases has been one of the key issues among watermelon industry experts and scholars .

  15. 台西盆地新生界油气地质勘探与开发

    Geologic exploration and development of Cenozoic Oil and gas in Taixi Basin

  16. 油气化探技术在川西坳陷油气勘探中的应用台西盆地新生界油气地质勘探与开发

    Application of hydrocarbon geochemical exploration technique in oil and gas exploration in western Sichuan depression , China GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF CENOZOIC OIL AND GAS IN TAIXI BASIN

  17. 美国西以太平洋为界。

    The United States is bounded on the west by the pacific .

  18. 鄂尔多斯盆地西缘上古生界低孔低渗测井储层预测

    Application of Logging in the Low Porosity and Low Permeability Reservoirs Prediction in Upper Paleozoic in the Western of Ordos Basin

  19. 桂西地区上古生界金主要来自深源,三叠系碎屑岩中金主要来自陆源。

    The element of gold in upper Paleozoic strata in western Guangxi sourced mainly from plutonic source but from terrestrial in the Triassic clastic rock .

  20. 木洛稀土矿床是攀西地区新发现的中型稀土矿床,位于攀西裂谷带北段西界,冕西稀土成矿带西部亚带。

    It is located in north part and west flank of the Panxi rift and belongs to the western sub-belt of REE mineralization in the west of Mianning region .