
  • 网络Spanish Football;Football in Spain
  1. 齐达内从2014年起担任皇马B队(卡斯蒂亚队)的教练,在西班牙足球乙二联赛征战。

    Since 2014 , Zidane has coached Real Madrid Castilla , the club 's B team , which plays in the third tier of Spanish football .

  2. 大连万达此前已拥有西班牙足球甲级联赛球队马德里竞技足球俱乐部20%的股份,而同样来自中国的CMC公司去年12月获得了曼城俱乐部13%的股份。

    Dalian Wanda has a 20 % stake in Spanish La Liga football team Atletico Madrid , while fellow Chinese company CMC took a 13 % stake in the parent group of Manchester City last December .

  3. 西班牙足球联赛(LFP)宣布,下周一塞维利亚和奥萨苏纳的联赛比赛将被推迟,以表示尊重。

    The Spanish Football League ( LFP ) announced that next Monday 's league match between Sevilla and Osasuna had been postponed as a mark of respect .

  4. 这就是上帝之踝的作用。&著名的西班牙足球专栏Morbo的作者,对约翰•克鲁伊夫能发掘出瓜迪奥拉并将他招入巴萨梦之队,作出如上评价。

    This is the way Phil Ball , author of the excellent book on Spanish football Morbo describes how Johan Cruyff discovered him and turned him into the linchpin of the Dream Team .

  5. 臭得像西班牙足球场里的厕所。

    It stinks like a loo in a Spanish soccer stadium .

  6. 种族歧视在西班牙足球界一直是一个充满争议的话题。

    Racism has been a controversial issue in Spanish football .

  7. 许多葡萄牙球员同时也在西班牙足球俱乐部中效力。

    Most of the Portuguese players also play in the Spanish league .

  8. 2003年夏天,贝克汉姆签约西班牙足球豪门皇家马德里。

    In the summer of2003 , Beckham signed with the Spanish giant Real Madrid .

  9. 一方面,他将写日志分享给在西班牙足球圈的各家俱乐部的管理层;

    On the one hand , he has his entries to a lot of corridors of power in Spanish football .

  10. 由于防止球员罢工的谈判失败,原定于本周末开始的西班牙足球比赛被延迟。

    The start of the Spanish football season this weekend will be delayed after negotiations to prevent a strike by players failed .

  11. 就因为如此,他也热衷于看西班牙足球。他对瓦伦西亚的了解会比去他球员都多。

    As it is he is a great watcher of Spanish football . He 'll know more about Valencia than any other player .

  12. 英国作为足球开拓者的位置已经消失殆尽。也许其国家队仍将统领世界。然而西班牙足球力量却有外国人源源不断地注入新活力。

    Britain 's pioneers are gone and the national team may rule the world , but Spanish football has been continually refreshed by foreigners .

  13. 西班牙足球故事起源于19世纪,英国工程师和经纪人将足球带到了西班牙南部的矿业城镇以及北部的工业区。

    In the 19th century British engineers and managers had brought the game to the mining towns of southern Spain and to the industrialising north .

  14. 罗纳尔多这位可以说是巴西最知名的人,已经得到他所在的西班牙足球队“皇家马德里”的允许,去领导这场扫盲运动。

    Ronaldo , arguably Brazil 's best-known individual , has received permission from his Spanish soccer team , Real Madrid , to lead the literacy campaign .

  15. 我承认我们一直不走运,而我们也有责任证明西班牙足球的实力。

    It 's true that bad luck follows us and we have a responsibility to confirm the quality that there is in Spanish football with the national team .

  16. 他所在的巴塞罗纳俱乐部在西班牙足球联赛中高居榜首,巴西在2006年世界杯南美赛区预选赛中也进展顺利。

    His club Barcelona are racing away at the top of the Spanish league and Brazil are well on course to qualify for the2006 World Cup from South American qualifiers .

  17. 西班牙足球协会的一名女发言人称,迪•波斯克已告知队员,禁止他们在球队的任何训练营以及世界杯期间使用社交网站。本届世界杯赛将于下月11日在南非开幕。

    A spokeswoman for the Spanish soccer federation ( ) said Del Bosque had told them they were not allowed to use the sites at any of the team 's training camps or at the World Cup in South Africa starting on June 11 .

  18. 西班牙国家足球队从南非得胜荣归。

    Spain 's triumphant national football team has returned home from South Africa .

  19. 体育用品品牌李宁和西班牙塞维利亚足球俱乐部达成赞助协议,它还为西班牙另外两个顶尖的俱乐部提供运动用品。

    Li Ning , a sportswear brand , has agreed a sponsorship deal with Sevilla , a football club in Spain , and also provides kits for two other top Spanish clubs .

  20. 周日夜间,西班牙国家足球队以4比0完胜意大利队,成功卫冕2012年欧洲杯冠军,在世界最伟大足球队殿堂中获得了永久席位。

    With an emphatic 4-0 blowout of Italy on Sunday night , Spain claimed the Euro 2012 title , sealing its second consecutive European championship and securing a permanent place in the pantheon of soccer 's greatest teams .

  21. 这次获奖是贝克汉姆向前迈出的重要一步,使他有机会去西班牙一个足球训练营受训。

    This was an important step forward for Beckham , and it led to him going for a visit to a football training camp in Spain .

  22. 马拉多纳在国内外斩获了众多奖项,上世纪80年代初曾为阿根廷青年人足球俱乐部和博卡青年竞技足球俱乐部效力,之后又转投西班牙和意大利的足球俱乐部。

    Maradona reaped titles at home and abroad , playing in the early 1980s for Argentinos Juniors and Boca Juniors before moving on to Spanish and Italian clubs .

  23. 西班牙国家队主帅博斯克(VicentedelBosque)说,西班牙足球这次夺冠是有历史意义的,我们谈论的是一代伟大的球员。

    This success of Spanish football is something historical , Spain coach Vicente Del Bosque said . We are talking about a great generation of players .