
  1. 会说意大利语应对他有好处。

    Speaking Italian should work in his favour .

  2. 我不会说意大利语,更别说写了。

    I can not speak italian , let alone write it .

  3. 她是瑞士人,从说意大利语的提契诺州来。

    She 's a Swiss from the Italian-speaking Canton of ticino .

  4. 使你的大脑抵抗老年痴呆,意味着学习说意大利语,

    Building an Alzheimer 's-resistant brain means learning to speak Italian ,

  5. 1861年,每40个意大利人中仅有1人会说意大利语。

    In 1861 , just one in 40 Italians actually spoke Italian .

  6. 如果你不会说意大利语也不用担心。

    Don 't worry if you don 't speak Italian .

  7. 有一次,一位不会说意大利语的英国人在意大利境内旅游。

    An Englishman who could not speak Italian was once traveling in Italy .

  8. 腾格拉尔本能地下车,他虽然不会说意大利语,他却已经懂得这个字。

    Although he did not yet speak Italian , he understood it very well .

  9. 当我需要会说意大利语的人,我马上就想到你。

    I thought of you immediately when I needed someone who could speak Italian .

  10. 你在和我说意大利语吗?

    Are they talking about me in italian ?

  11. 瑞士的一个说意大利语的区域。

    The Italian-speaking region of Switzerland .

  12. 我多希望我以前学会了滑雪、画画,会说意大利语,会跳探戈。

    I wish I had learned to ski and paint , speak Italian and do the Tango .

  13. 对于一向想说意大利语的人而言,哪个地方能比罗马更好?

    For someone who has always wanted to speak Italian , what could be better than Rome ?

  14. 也许我吃过,只是不知道它叫什么名字而已。因为我不太会说意大利语。

    Maybe I have but I don 't know what it 's called , I can 't speak italian .

  15. 然而我的姐姐若说意大利语,绝不会用这时态讨论古代历史。

    But my sister , if she spoke Italian , would not use this tense to discuss ancient history .

  16. 最后,我在一家店员不会说意大利语的店里,买到了一些长效牛奶。

    In the end I bought some long-life milk in a store where the staff were not speaking Italian .

  17. 我那时病倒了,身无分文没法回家,又基本不会说意大利语,他曾在接受采访时透露。

    I had no way to get home and I could barely speak the language , he once told an interviewer .

  18. 于是我在卢卡到处逛,说意大利语问路:请告诉我普契尼之家在哪?

    So I wander through Lucca , asking directions in Italian , Can you tell me where is the house of Puccini ?

  19. 对我来说,这里是语言的仙境。对于一向想说意大利语的人而言,哪个地方能比罗马更好?

    It 's kind of a fairyland of language for me here . For someone who has always wanted to speak Italian , what could be better than Rome ?

  20. 大家,甚至连保守的德国工程师,都跟我有着相同的个人动机:我们每个人都想说意大利语,因为我们喜欢它给我们的感觉。

    Everybody , even the uptight German engineer , shares what I thought was my own personal motive : we all want to speak Italian because we love the way it makes us feel .

  21. 他说意大利语简直听不出有什么怪音调了,不过仍然还不能让人听起来同当地人一样。听他的口音,人家可能认为他来自同瑞士人和日尔曼人接壤的遥远的意大利北方。

    His speech became almost accentless and , though he could never pass as a native of the district , it would be believed that he was one of those strange Italians from the far north of Italy bordering the Swiss and germans .

  22. 你听他们说了意大利语吗?

    Could you hear them talking in italian ?

  23. 不过,到目前为止,我最喜欢说的意大利语是一个简单平常的用词:

    So far , though , my favorite thing to say in all of Italian is a simple , common word :

  24. 文化部的一位发言人说,意大利语申请表被下载了1.2万次,英语申请表被下载了50次。

    The Italian-language application has been downloaded 12,000 times and the English application 50 times , a spokesman for the Culture Ministry said .

  25. 法语是唯一的官方语言,但是也有人说英语、意大利语和摩纳哥当地语言(Genoese语的延续)。

    French is the only official language , but English , Italian , and the local Monegasque language ( a descendant of Genoese ) are also spoken .

  26. 我对欧洲较为了解,而且我会说法语和意大利语,所以Brahman公司把我从高桥资本挖走,他们对我说:“去投资欧洲的公司吧。”然后就有了后来的故事。

    I knew Europe reasonably well and spoke French and Italian . So when Brahman hired me from Highbridge , they said , " Go invest in Europe . " That was really the beginning .

  27. 你能说英语,意大利语和西班牙语。

    You can speak English , Italian and Spanish .

  28. 她说英语时意大利语的口音很重,恺差点听不懂她的话。

    She had a heavy . Italian accent , Kay could barely understand her .

  29. 对说英语或意大利语的小学生-其中有一半还会说盖尔语或撒丁语进行的研究表明,双语儿童明显比单语儿童更能成功地完成任务。

    A study of primary school pupils who spoke English or Italian - half of whom also spoke Gaelic or Sardinian - found that the bilingual children were significantly more successful in the tasks set for them .

  30. 我的朋友尼克问说你干嘛学意大利语?

    My friend Nick asked , Why are you studying Italian ?