
  • 网络SMALL TOWN GIRL;New in Town;Little Town Lady
  1. 是的,斯威夫特早已从一个小镇姑娘,蜕变为了一位坚强的女性。

    Yes , Swift left the small town girl behind to become a strong woman .

  2. 她的《云雀之歌》描述了年轻的小镇姑娘西娅在经历种种挫折后,最终踏上了艺术成功的道路。

    Her novel The Song of the Lark describes the successful story of a girl named Thea Kronborg .

  3. 劳瑞恩是一个小镇姑娘,她离开家乡搬到芝加哥,就是希望能进入芝加哥音乐舞蹈学院进行学习,以实现自己当舞蹈家的梦想。

    Lauryn is a young woman from a small town in Indiana who moves to Chicago with dreams of entering the Chicago School of Music and Dance .

  4. 而豪博士的教育方法也许会随着他的去世而消亡,果真如此,那么一个住在亚拉巴马偏远小镇的小姑娘又如何从中受益呢?

    His methods had probably died with him ; and if they had not , how was a little girl in a far-off town in Alabama to receive the benefit of them ?