
  1. 把聚会安排在周六,这样你就可以找自己的搭档和其他愿意帮把手的成年人来帮忙了。

    Have the party on a Saturday , when you can get your partner and other willing adults to help

  2. 而现在,更多的人选择了敲敲键盘,上baidu或者google找自己需要的信息。

    Now most people go straight to the keyboard to Baidu or Google , so that is why I should thank many of your potential customers .

  3. 打电话时先讲明自己是谁,然后再找自己想要找的人。而不是一开口就问XXX在吗。

    When you make a phone call , introduce yourself first and then ask if you can speak with the person you are calling .

  4. 布兰沿着肩膀摸索,想找自己的羽毛。

    Bran felt along his shoulders , groping for feathers .

  5. 我只是找自己感兴趣的事情。

    I really look for what interests me .

  6. 我们在找自己的‘家’!

    They are looking for their " home "!

  7. 到了他离开家找自己房子的时候了。

    It 's time he left home and found a house of his own .

  8. 他来找自己的亲生母亲

    he came and searched for his mother .

  9. 首先要找自己的问题。

    Want to seek oneself issue above all .

  10. 麦迪逊花园广场,他们在找自己的座位。

    Scene : Madison Square Garden , the guys are trying to find their seats .

  11. 他当时想找自己的家人。

    Trying to locate his real family .

  12. 找自己住的地方了。

    To find your own place .

  13. 看,每个座位前面都有一个卡片,我们找自己的名字吧。

    Look , there 's a card at each seat . let 's find our names .

  14. 区域性媒体,找自己的活法健康管理给自己找一个生命看护

    Territorial Media Look for Their Own Living Style Administration of health take care of you life

  15. 这里工业并不发达所以他才找自己的寡母求助

    Not much industry here , so he 's turned to his widowed mother for help .

  16. 老年人可以找自己的朋友而不会在情感上太依赖他们的子女。

    Older people may seek their own friends rather than become too emotionally dependent on their children .

  17. 然后我开始找自己不喜欢它的原因。原因是裤子太长了。

    ' Then I started finding reasons why I didn 't like them . They 're too long .

  18. 一个会学习的人懂得一路学习的同时也一路找自己的学习方法。

    MOTTO : A good learner knows how to develop learning methods along the way of his learning .

  19. 很爱香水,总在寻寻觅觅中找自己的归属,私密的,独特的,唯我的。

    Love perfume , always searching to find themselves in the ownership , private , unique , and only mine .

  20. 乔布斯还没有找自己的亲生父母,但他已经从养父母那里知道了一些情况。

    He had not yet tracked down his biological parents , but his adoptive parents had told him some of their tale .

  21. ,要么就是一种愤世嫉俗的政治观点,很有可能两种情形都存在。这位企业负责人不愿具名,他不愿有政客来找自己公司的麻烦。

    More likely both . ' He doesn 't want to be named and get his company in trouble with the politicians .

  22. 据相关亲属表示,圣路易斯一位儿童在玩枪的时候意外杀死了熟睡的父亲,而现在这个孩子正哭着找自己的爸爸。

    Relatives say a St. Louis toddler who killed his sleeping father while playing with a gun has been asking " for his daddy . "

  23. 我母亲教导我:找自己喜欢做的事,你就会幸福。这就是我对孩子们说的。

    My mother taught me : Find something you enjoy doing , and you 'll be happy . That 's what I tell my children .

  24. 我很生我老公的气,我在这边费尽力气找自己知道的最严厉的中文词儿,他却在那边平静地用黑莓发工作邮件。

    I was cross with my husband for calmly sending work e-mails on his BlackBerry while I sorted out the mess in my most stern Chinese .

  25. 这篇文章是为那些有志到首位,也是在高位正在找自己的接班人。

    This article is for people who are aspiring to get to the top and also for people at the top who are looking for their successors .

  26. 他暗示说豪斯可能出院后为了找自己,挖掘出自己滴潜在面会比我们预想滴更经常下厨。

    He intimated that House might be more into cooking than expected and to look for him to explore that side of himself after he 's discharged from Mayfield .

  27. 有人说恋爱要找自己喜欢的人,结婚要找喜欢自己的人,都是片面的。

    Someone regard it 's better to be in love with the one you like and marry with the one who like you . However , both opinions are one-sided .

  28. 我常常回过头来找自己的脚印,却无法发现自己走过的路在哪里,无数交错纵横的脚印早已覆盖了我的足迹。

    I often look back to see my footprints but they are covered by the countless footprints of other people . I can never find the way from which I came .

  29. 就算没有外国人就找自己周围的同学或者朋友练习,基本上别人能听得懂你说什么就可以了。

    If there are not foreigners around you , it is essential for you to keep practice with your classmates or friends ; basically others may understand what you are talking about .

  30. 青年学生不妨找自己信赖的师长作一些必读书目方面的交谈,交谈中要把自己的兴趣、欠缺和已读过的名著告诉师长,以求获得有的放矢的指导。

    Young students can communicate with your trusted teachers , about your interests , famous works finished and to be finished , for suggestions and instructions that will help you make a good list .