
  • 网络find
  1. 我们就必须找一下锋利的东西把它刮开。

    We 'll have to find something sharp to drill it .

  2. 找一下日本大使馆的电话号码好吗?

    Would you find a telephone number of the Japanese embassy ?

  3. 我们现在来找一下在本篇开头提到过的亮星系M86。

    Let 's look for the bright galaxy M86 which we talked about at the start of this lesson .

  4. 你好,请帮我找一下雷蒙德先生好吗?

    Hi . Can I speak to Mr. Redmond , please ?

  5. 请在那附近找找看。我会在这儿找一下。

    Please check around there . I 'll look in here .

  6. 请您找一下单位的电工好么?

    Please get in touch with the electrician of your company .

  7. 等一下,我找一下电影票。

    Lucy : Wait * I can 't find the tickets .

  8. 你可以上网找一下有关这家公司的资料吗?

    Can you search for the information about this company online ?

  9. 办公室名册,分机表在公司分机表上找一下他的号码。

    office directory Look up his number in the office directory .

  10. 找一下那些是留给死人的。

    Iooking for what 's got to be a dead man .

  11. 我们得回公寓找一下。

    We need to get back into the flat and search .

  12. 希望你能帮我找一下

    I was hoping you could help me find a photo

  13. 麻烦你,我想找一下签证官。

    Excuse me , may I speak to the visa official please ?

  14. 好的,迈克,我帮你找一下。

    All right , mike , let me find it for you .

  15. 先生且慢,让我再找一下!

    Wait please , gentleman , Let me check again .

  16. 或许我早该在停尸房里找一下。

    Occurred to me to go look in the morgue .

  17. 找一下证人,有消息通知我。

    Keep me up to speed on witness statements .

  18. 你能再找一下我的名字吗?

    Will you try to find my name again ?

  19. 喂,请找一下卡里诺医生,好吗?…

    Hello.May I speak to Dr.Carrano , please ? ...

  20. 我来找一下让你见识见识。

    Let me look for one and show you .

  21. 我在目录里找一下。

    Let me look it up in the catalog .

  22. 你干脆找一下它想去哪儿吧?

    Why don 't you find out where it 's trying to go ?

  23. 麻烦找一下布莱萧小姐。

    I 'm trying to reach a Miss Bradshaw .

  24. 我得在我的文件柜里找一下您要的信息。

    I need to find the information you are requesting in my file cabinet .

  25. 我把表丢了。你能不能帮我找一下?

    I have lost my watch will you help me to look for it ?

  26. 你最好自己来找一下。

    I guess you 're gonna have to come over and look for it .

  27. 你能否帮我找一下能治疗消化不良症状的药物?

    Can you help me with finding medication for ( * problem of indigestion )?

  28. 我可以找一下汤姆吗?

    Ann , May I speak to Tom ?

  29. 你可以找到数百种不同的产品有生态标签&注意找一下。

    You can find the Eco-label on hundreds of different products-have a look for it .

  30. 史蒂文:让我来找一下。

    STEVEN : Let me find it .