
  1. 目前,买房这种事我连想都没想过。

    Buying a house is not even on my radar at the moment .

  2. Karmalahang的政府医疗工作者苏达•德维(SudhaDevi)说,对我们来说,丈夫就是神,我们想都没想过平等。

    To us , husbands are our gods , ' says Sudha Devi , a government health worker in Karmalahang and no relation to Punita Devi . ' We can 't think of being equal . '

  3. 这四个月内我想都没想过打坐的事。

    I have not even thought about meditating in four months .

  4. 决定了买房子,许多想都没想过的压力也随之而来。买房子不仅是个体力活,更是场斗智斗勇的心理战。

    Buying a house brings with it a lot of unwanted stress and pressure .

  5. 我想都没想过这一天会来。

    I thought this day would never come .

  6. 我想都没想过。

    I don 't even think about it .

  7. 当我开始探索的时候才发现很多新的东西,这些我以前想都没想过。

    When I started , I found all sorts of new things that I could never have thought of before .

  8. 不要担心经济问题,你的机会改变了你的生活,这些变化你想都没想过。

    You will be supported financially and these opportunities will transform your life in ways that you 've never imagined .

  9. 噢,你是说那部有大蜘蛛的电影?嗯,我还记得看过的广告。别说去看了,我连想都没想过。我真的去看了那电影,大概会做月的恶梦。

    LL : There 's a horror movie about giant spiders that is so freaky that I can 't even bear to watch it .

  10. 一天,切石匠给一个大户人家运送石碑。他在那里看到了琳琅满目的漂亮物件,全都是他想都没想过的东西。

    One day the stone-cutter carried a gravestone to the house of a rich man , and saw there all sorts of beautiful things of which he had never even dreamed .

  11. 鲍勃说:“当你年轻的时候,健身的事儿,你连想都没想过,你整天忙于养家糊口。”加上之前婚姻所生的孩子,林恩夫妇现在共有七个儿女。

    When you 're young , you don 't think about it and you 're busy raising a family , ' says Mr. Linn . The couple has seven children total from their prior marriages .

  12. 反面观点:那些反对写求职目标的人认为如果你已经有几年的经验,简短的求职声明会适得其反,因为你的技能会导致你去做之前想都没想过的工作。

    Con : Those who are against the objective say the short statement could pigeon-hole you if you have a few years of experience , since your skills can lead to jobs you aren 't even aware of .