
  1. 昨天夜里下大雨,你听见了吗?

    Did you hear the storm last night ?

  2. 永远都别那样说,永远都不,你听见了吗?

    Never say that . Never , do you hear ?

  3. 她说些什么你听见了吗?

    Did you catch what she said ?

  4. 如果他离开,我将和他一道走,你听见了吗?

    If he walks off , I 'm walking off with him , do you hear ?

  5. 后来有一次,托马斯心情不好拿哈罗德出气,这时阿尔弗雷德发誓说自己听到稻草人嘟囔了一声,“你听见了吗?哈罗德出声了!”“不可能,他就是一袋稻草而已。”托马斯回答说。

    A while later , when Thomas was taking out his anger on Harold , Alfred swore he heard the doll grunt3 . " Did you hear that ? Harold grunted4 ! " " Impossible , he 's just a sack of straw , " replied Thomas .

  6. 你听见了吗,济贫院?诺厄嚷嚷道。

    ' Did you hear that , Workhouse ?' shouted Noah .

  7. 你听见了吗?那里有人。

    Did you hear that ? There 's someone in there .

  8. 你听见了吗?这是你我之间的事!

    You hear me ? This is between you and me !

  9. 麦吉•撒切尔&麦吉,撒切尔,你听见了吗?

    Maggie Thatcher – can you hear me , Maggie Thatcher !

  10. 别再乱动我的东西,你听见了吗?

    Never go near my things again , do you hear me ?

  11. 你听见了吗,你能说话?

    Can you hear that you are able to speak ?

  12. “你听见了吗,亲爱的?”他对帕蒂说。

    " You hear that , honey ?" he says to Patty .

  13. 事情还没完呢你听见了吗

    It 's not over ! Do you hear me ?

  14. 哦,太棒了,大叔,你听见了吗?

    Oh , yeah , papi , you hear that ?

  15. 你听见了吗?你甚至不会说德语。

    Do you hear this ? You don 't even speak german .

  16. 我不能容忍这种无礼举动,你听见了吗?

    I won 't stand for this rudeness , do you hear ?

  17. 你听见了吗?姐姐耳语对我说,感谢!

    Do you hear that ? whispered my sister to me.Be grateful !

  18. 你听见了吗?那是真的吗?

    Did you read that ? Was that for real ?

  19. 对他说:「这些人所说的,你听见了吗?」

    Do you hear what these children are saying ?

  20. 她在唱一首英语歌曲,你听见了吗?

    Do you hear her singing an English song ?

  21. 停,嘘,你听见了吗?有人在跟踪我们。

    Stop , shhh , do you hear that ? Somebody is following us .

  22. 你听见了吗-听见什么打雷声

    Did you hear that ? - Hear what ? - I heard thunder .

  23. 伊森:你听见了吗?

    Ethan Hunt : Did you hear me ?

  24. 你听见了吗嗯一千美金

    You got that ? Uh 1000 $

  25. 伊森:你听见了吗?名单已经外泄。

    Ethan hunt : did you hear me ? The list is in the open .

  26. 你听见了吗?

    Hey , did you hear that ?

  27. 起初,人们拿起电话后首先相互询问:你听见了吗?

    At first , people had greeted each other on the phone with , @ Are you there ?

  28. 你听见了吗?你觉得呢?我可以说,这只是给你?

    Do you hear it ? Do you feel it too ? Can I say it just to you ?

  29. 也请你们看顾临冬城所所有人马.还有,还有席恩.你听见了吗,孩子?

    And watch over all the other men from Winterfell . And Theon too , I suppose . You hear them , boy ?

  30. 现在你能听见了吗,B同学?

    Can you hear it now , student B ?