
  1. “你不知道的事多着呢,”公爵夫人说。

    Well , you don 't know much , 'said the Duchess .

  2. 我还会很多你不知道的事呢。

    There 's lots of things I can do that you don 't know about .

  3. 好多你不知道的事,快出去扫地。

    There 's a shitload of things you don 't know . Out , finish sweeping .

  4. 不要干你本来不知道的事。

    Do not do that which you would not have known .

  5. 那天晚上发生的一切都是真的,但你不知道后来的事

    Everything you know about that night is true , except the end .

  6. 一些甚至你都不知道的事。

    Something you may not even know about .

  7. 关于撒谎、测谎、撒谎者,你所不知道的那些事儿

    What you may not know about lying , liars and lie detection

  8. 你不知道因为死人的事,大家都很怕吗?

    Don 't you know everybody 's going nuts over these deaths ?

  9. 这么说来,你不知道关于车祸的事。

    So , you don 't know about the accident .

  10. 中国珍贵的动物大使:关于大熊猫你不知道的六件事


  11. 关于世界银行你不知道的十件事

    Ten Unknown Facts about World Bank

  12. 从今以后,我要将新事和你所不知道的隐密事,说给你听。

    From this time I will let you hear new things and hidden things which you have not known .

  13. 可是老姑,难道你一直不知道信里的事吗?

    But , Auntie , don 't you even know .

  14. 你肯定他们不知道我的事?

    Are you sure they don 't know about me ?

  15. 但是你不知道他没有书桌的事。

    But you don 't know Sam and about him needing a desk .

  16. 下面让我们看一看关于奥利奥你可能不知道的10件事。

    Now , Let 's read 10 Oreo facts you didn 't know .

  17. 你妈不知道这些药的事,所以管好你们的嘴。

    Your mother doesn 't know about these pills , so keep your traps shut .

  18. 这就是你说我“不知道的事”之一吧?

    Is this what you meant by " the things you don 't know about me "?

  19. 我知道,你没法泄露不知道的事

    Oh , I know . You can 't divulge secrets you don 't know . But ...

  20. 舒展。不感到内疚,如果你不知道你想做的事,与你的生活。

    Stretch . Don 't feel guilty if you don 't know what you want to do with your life .

  21. 你知不知道难做的事和应该做的事往往是同一件事?

    Do you know that the harder thing to do and the right thing to do * are usually the same thing ?

  22. 如果你做一些你不知道的事,没有什麽比这更危险,这是最好的方式破坏您的系统或获得特洛伊木马在您的电脑上。

    If you can 't or don 't understand , ask someone who knows ! There 's nothing more dangerous than doing something you don 't really know anything about .

  23. 如此怪诞,因为如果你不知道城中正发生的事,你会觉得这里的人热爱海豚和鲸鱼。

    It 's so bizarre , because if you didn 't know what 's going on over here , you would think this is a town that loved dolphins and whales .

  24. 除非你想尝试你从来都不知道的事。

    Unless you try something you 're never going to know .

  25. 你说你不知道治安维持者的事

    you told them you didn 't know anything about the vigilante .

  26. 我在告诉你一些也许你自己不知道的糟糕事。

    I 'm telling you something obnoxious about yourself that you might not be aware of .

  27. 我们搜寻了几项最近的研究,向你揭示六件关于幸福你不知道的事。

    We tracked down several recent studies to reveal six things you don 't know about happiness .

  28. 你所碰到的每个人都会知道某件你所不知道的事。

    Everyone you 'll ever meet know something that you don 't.

  29. 你可能是从邓文迪挺身护夫事件中了解了她的荣耀时刻,但这里是你对她所不知道的事。

    You will know about Wendi 's pie-based moment of glory , but here are some facts you may not know about her .

  30. 你已经听见,现在要看见这一切,你不说明吗,从今以后,我将新事就是你所不知道的隐密事,指示你。

    Thou hast heard , see all this ; and will not ye declare it ? I have shewed thee new things from this time , even hidden things , and thou didst not know them .