
  1. 爸爸你是我的英雄!父亲节快乐!

    You 're a hero Daddy ! Happy Father 's Day !

  2. 你是我的英雄。

    George , you 're my hero . I mean it .

  3. 你是我的英雄,棒极了

    You my man . You rock .

  4. 而且,奥蒂斯,“她闪着长长的眼睫毛补充道:”你是我的英雄。

    And , Otis ," she added , fluttering her eyelashes ," you 're my hero .

  5. 接着那个男孩坐了起来,对雷说:你是我的英雄。

    Then the boy sat up and say to Ray , You are not my ITo .

  6. 贝思:好!绝对可以!你是我的英雄!你救了我的命!

    Beth : Yes ! Absolutely affirmative ! You 're my hero ! You 've saved my life !

  7. 勒罗伊也许你真是我的英雄

    Leroy , I guess you really are my hero .

  8. 你是我心中的英雄,我长大了一定要象你一样。

    You are my hero , I want to grow up like you .

  9. 你绝对是我的英雄。

    You 're totally my hero .

  10. 不你曾经是我的英雄

    No. You were my hero !

  11. 你救了我!你是我的英雄!

    You just saved me ! You 're my hero !

  12. 你可知道你是我心目中的英雄?

    Did you ever know that you 're my hero .

  13. 你接住我了,好像你是救我的英雄一样。

    You caught me . I guess that , like , makes you my hero or something .

  14. 爸爸,你再一次以身作则教育了我们,你是我的英雄,你是我最好的朋友,你是下一任美国总统。

    Dad , you have once again taught us by example , you are my hero , you are my best friend , you are the next president of the United States .