
  1. 你是我的女人。

    Raj : You are my lady .

  2. 你是我认识的女人里最高的。

    You are the tallest woman I know .

  3. 你是我需要的女人。

    Ure the woman that I want .

  4. 你注定是我的女人。

    You deserve to be my giri .

  5. 你才是我命中注定的女人。

    That you were the woman that was meant for me .

  6. 因为你是我一生认定的女人。

    Because you found the woman of my life .

  7. 莉莉,你是我认识的最好的女人。

    Lily , you 're the most incredible woman I know .

  8. 你是我唯一真正想要的女人。

    You 're the only woman I 've ever really wanted .

  9. 你是我惟一能指望的女人。

    CF : You are the only woman I can rely on .

  10. 你是我唯一深爱的女人

    You 're the only woman that I feel this way about .

  11. 你是不是想偷走我的女人?

    Are you trying to steal my woman ?

  12. 你可以说你是我的半个女人,因为我们是龙凤胎。

    You could say that she 's my female half because we 're fraternal twins .

  13. 斯佳丽,从那天在十二橡园初次见到你时,我就知道你是我唯一想要的那个女人。

    I made up my mind that you were the only woman for me , Scarlett * the first day I saw you at Twelve Oaks .