
  1. 莎朗斯通,你给我听好了!

    Sharon Stone , you better listen to me !

  2. 你给我听好了,

    Carnaby Fritton No. now listen to me very carefully

  3. 现在你给我注意听好

    Now that I have your attention , listen up .

  4. 你给我仔细听好,我就是不去!

    Listen very carefully : I 'm not going .

  5. 不用不用你不需要唱给我听好我会在iTunes上下载的妈妈再见妈妈

    No , no. .. You don 't need to start singing it.Yes , I 'll buy it on the iTunes , Mother.Goodbye , Mother .

  6. 我不知道你不知道现在你给我听好

    I don 't know ! You don 't ? Now , listen . Listen !