
  1. 虎鲸还没有火力全开发动攻击

    the killer whales have not yet made a full-blown attack ,

  2. 这是火力全开的诋毁宣传,先生

    It 's a fullon smear campaign , boss .

  3. 他们将在第一节就火力全开。

    They will try to come out especially fired up in the first quarter .

  4. 也令我们看到了,当每位队友都火力全开的时候,我们的进攻到底有多么恐怖。

    Now we see what ´ s possible and how good we can be when we have everybody firing on all cylinders .

  5. 赛季早期在对巴里的比赛中受了伤,但现在已经恢复。最近是火力全开。

    After recovering from an injury picked up against Bury earlier in the campaign , he is currently firing on all cylinders .

  6. 弗格森爵士在争夺四连冠的道路上输给了安切洛蒂火力全开的切尔西之后表现的坚定而礼貌。

    Sir Alex Ferguson was gracious but defiant after his hopes of a fourth consecutive title were crushed by Carlo Ancelotti 's free-scoring Chelsea .

  7. 直觉告诉我,如果一旦进入季后赛,纽约进攻火力全开,他们将会是一只非常难缠的队伍。

    Trust me , the Knicks are going to be a tough in the playoffs because they have a lot of firepower on that team .

  8. 正因爆料所透露的那般——英国女王是《唐顿庄园》的超级粉丝,对于这部英剧的终季,女王将紧“追”不舍火力全开。

    The Queen will be tuning to the finale of Downton Abbey as it was revealed she is a massive fan of the ITV series 。

  9. 等等,我们说的可不是《战争游戏》中的一些场面,而是大家的电脑火力全开地攻击一个国家的电子设施。

    No , we 're not talking about a scene out of the movie " WarGames , " we 're talking an all-out attack on a nation 's electronic infrastructure .

  10. 史蒂夫火力全开,狂开空头支票,放言麦金塔将改变世界,疯狂地让手下员工加班再加班。公司里的气氛非常紧张,人际关系也很复杂。

    Steve was in his ultimate pied piper mode , proclaiming how the Mac will change the world and overworking people like mad , with incredible tensions and complex personal relationships .

  11. 尊敬的各位牛津大学辩论会和牛津大学亚太学生会的同学们,万万想不到会以这样的方式跟你们相聚。没有吉他和二胡,没有夸张的舞台装也没有“火力全开”头。

    I never thought I would be addressing you , the esteemed members of the Oxford Union , without a guitar or an Erhu , without my crazy stage hair , costumes .

  12. 火力全开的时候,她能强势覆盖球场的每个角落,用强健的双腿和敏捷的双臂打出令人惊叹的低平球。但就连在这个时候,也不能排除她突然丧失注意力或运势急转直下的可能性。

    Even when she was in full flow , gliding powerfully into the corners and generating astonishing flat pace with her strong legs and quick hands , one could never rule out an abrupt shift of focus and fortune .