
  • 网络chafing dish;hotpot seasoning;Hotpot condiment
  1. 根据石蜡与食用油脂(主要是牛羊油)性质的差异,采用了各种定性检测方法对火锅底料中的石蜡定性检测进行了一系列研究。

    According to the different properties of edible oil and paraffin , a series of researches on the paraffin in bottom material of chafing dish were carried out by various qualitative analysis methods .

  2. 我的火锅底料好啊,吃火锅的时候放上锅底加上热水就可以了,很方便又不贵,才五块钱一包。

    My chafing dish bottom material likes ar - , eat the time of chafing dish put the last bottom to add hot water all right , very the amenity is again not expensive , just five the dollars are1 .

  3. 此外,火锅底料和电磁炉的销售额分别同比增长540%和240%。

    Self-heating hot pots rank only second to Luosifen on the most popular goods list by Tmall and Taobao . Besides , the turnovers cookers increased by 540 percent and 240 percent , respectively , year-on-year .

  4. 食品中苏丹红HPLC检测方法研究高效液相色谱&离子阱质谱检测火锅底料中的苏丹染料Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ

    Research on High Performance Liquid Chromatograph ( HPLC ) for the Determination of Sudan Dyes in Food DETECTION OF SUDAN DYES IN THE CHAFING DISH BY HPLC-ION TRAP MS / MS

  5. 火锅底料中石蜡的定性检验

    Qualitative test of paraffin in hot pot flavoring

  6. 火锅底料熬煮过程理化指标动态变化研究

    Study on Continuous Change of Physical-Chemical Index in Boiling Process of Chaffy Dish Bed Charge

  7. 本实用新型应用于火锅底料食品袋包装。

    The flat pressing machine is used for the food bag packaging of hot pot flavouring .

  8. 火锅底料熬煮过程中镉、铅、铬、砷形态分布研究

    The Chemical Form Change of Cadmium , Lead , Chromium , Arsenic in Processing of Chaffy Dish

  9. 为重庆火锅底料的卫生监督管理提供了法律依据。

    It also provided legal basis for the health supervision and management of base flavouring of Chongqing hot-pan .

  10. 食品包装袋压平机,涉及一种食品特别是火锅底料的包装机械。

    A flat pressing machine for food packaging bags relates to a packaging machine for food , particularly hot pot flavouring .

  11. 研究了火锅底料熬煮过程中油脂质量的变化。

    The quality of cooking oil in the process of repeated boiling of huoguo ( hot pot ) seasoning mate-rial was monitored .

  12. 在炒火锅底料时,下辣椒后续下花椒增香,而后与汤卤一起熬制。

    Expected end of the frying pot , the next follow-up to the next chili pepper aroma , and then boiled together with the soup brine .

  13. 《中国日报》报道说,监管机构自上周日开始便一直在平息这场争论,并向这些担心火锅底料配方揭露的老板们保证说,他们的配方不必向大众公开。

    Regulators have been cooling off the squabble since Sunday , assuring the anxious broth hawkers that their recipes need not be unveiled for public viewing , the China Daily said .

  14. 不要被台式火锅底料的暗红色油汤所吓倒,这种汤不会像四川和重庆的火锅那样,让你的舌头麻痹,让你上蹿下跳。

    Don 't be fooled by the dark red color of the Taiwan-style soup : It won 't paralyze your tongue and make you jump up and down the way Sichuan and Chongqing hotpot can do .