
  • 网络flame detector;FID;P-C II U-V SCANNER
  1. 美国Forney公司火焰检测器及其应用

    Application of Forney flame detector

  2. 火焰检测器是FSSS的关键组成部分,它能将锅炉内燃烧状态转变成电信号输出,并进一步给出锅炉运行状态的外部指示。然而,现有的火焰检测器通常体积大、价格高且智能化较低。

    As a standard component of FSSS , flame detector can monitor the state of the flame inside the boiler in the form of electric signal . However , the existing flame detectors are usually bulky , expensive and not so intelligence .

  3. 苯的检出限低至1pg,优于配备氢火焰检测器的实验室气相色谱仪两个数量级。

    The detection limit is as low as1pg for benzene , two orders of magnitude better than the gas chromatograph with FID .

  4. 全燃烧高炉煤气锅炉的火焰检测器以及FSSS的炉膛灭火保护。

    Fire detector and flameout protection for FSSS in all blast furnace gas fired boiler .

  5. 本文介绍气相色谱法测定水中的挥发酚。采用乙酸酐衍化预处理,氢火焰检测器(FID)测定;

    Method for determination of phenols in water was described Derivatization pretreatment and flame ionization detector ( FID ) were used in the method .

  6. 详细分析了1102型气相色谱仪氢火焰检测器(FID)点火电路的工作原理、故障现象,以及对故障的检测和排除方法。

    In this paper , the working principle , common troubles , trouble diagnosis and trouble_shooting methods for fire circuit of FID detector in1102 gas chromatograph are discussed .

  7. 氢火焰检测器气相色谱法测定空气中的可燃气体含量

    Determination of the Content of Combustible Gas in Air by GC-FID

  8. 进口火焰检测器的比较分析与发展动向

    Comparison , Analysis and Developing Trend of Imported Flame Detectors

  9. 基于模糊控制的温差式火焰检测器

    Flame Detector with Difference in Temperature Based on Fuzzy Control

  10. 基于火焰检测器的燃料识别和着火特性研究

    Investigation into Fuel Tracking and Ignition Characteristics with Flame Monitors

  11. 锅炉假灭火事故与火焰检测器检测位置相关性分析

    Relativity analysis for the false flame extinction and supervisory position of flame detector

  12. 智能型温差式火焰检测器的设计

    Design of Intelligent Flame Detector with Difference in Temperature

  13. 电站锅炉火焰检测器应用现状分析

    Status-quo Analysis to Application on Fire Inspecting Device of Boiler of Power Plant

  14. 全炉膛火焰检测器光学探头的传热数值模拟计算

    Numerical Simulative Calculation on Heat Transfer of Optical Probe of Full Furnace Flame Detector

  15. 火焰检测器在40kt/a硫磺回收装置的应用

    The Application of Flame Monitoring System in 40 kt / a Sulphur Recovery Unit

  16. 氢火焰检测器,检测温度300℃;

    The detector temperature was 300 ℃ .

  17. 智能火焰检测器的研究

    Development of Intelligent Flame Detecting Device

  18. 调制式氢离子火焰检测器

    Modulator hydrogen ion flame detector

  19. 高效液相色谱-氢火焰检测器测定柴油烃族组成研究

    Determination of Hydrocarbon Group-Type in Diesel by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Moving Wire Flame Ionization Detector

  20. 本文简要介绍锅炉炉膛安全监控系统的功能和主要设备的性能,其中包括火焰检测器、点火器、程序控制装置等设备的型式和性能比较。

    A brief description was given to the functions and performances of the boiler furnace safety supervisory system .

  21. 火焰检测器指示值偏低或误判的原因分析及解决措施

    Cause analysis for somewhat low indicating value of the flame detector or misjudgement of the value and resolving measures thereof

  22. 火焰检测器的光路设计X光机辐射能谱的调制

    Design of the Optical System Moder Boiler Flame Detector in Thermal Power Station Modulation of Photon Energy Spectra from X Ray Units

  23. 采样管再经加热解吸导入附有氢火焰检测器的气相色谱仪进行分析。

    After being heated up and desorbed the sampling tube was led into a gas phase chromatography with a hydrogen flame detector for analysis .

  24. 激波诱导可燃气体爆燃的数值模拟氢火焰检测器气相色谱法测定空气中的可燃气体含量

    Numerical Simulation about the Process that a Shock Wave Induces the Combustible Gas Deflagrating Determination of the Content of Combustible Gas in Air by GC-FID

  25. 针对火焰检测器中采用的火焰燃烧判别算法存在的不足,提出一种新的邻域统计火焰检测算法。

    In order to improve the algorithm of flame detection in furnace safeguard supervisory system , a new algorithm of neighborhood statistic was proposed in the paper .

  26. 文中阐述了火焰检测器的基本原理及其在火电厂的应用,还介绍了火焰图像检测器。

    The basic measuring principle of flame detector is stated , as well as its application in thermal power plant . The image flame detector is discussed .

  27. 通过高效液相色谱分离、移动丝氢火焰检测器检测获得柴油中芳烃的基础数据。

    The aromatics content in the diesel samples which were used as trained set for building calibration model was determined by high performance liquid chromatography with moving wire flame ionization detector .

  28. 采用固相萃取-气相色谱/氢火焰检测器(SPE-GC/FID)方法,研究了沈阳周边典型污灌区10个地下水样品中直链烷烃的污染特征及分布规律。

    Method of SPE-GC / FID was adopted to quantitatively analyze the contamination degree and pollution characteristics of n-alkane in 10 groundwater samples collected from typical wastewater irrigation area around Shenyang city , Liaoning Province .

  29. 分析探讨了锅炉安全监控系统在应用中火焰检测器安装位置、检测性能、合理调整炉膛压力动作参数、预防炉膛爆燃几个典型问题,并提出了几点建议。

    Such typical problems as location of flame detector , detection performance , rational adjustment of furnace chamber pressure , and prevention of furnace chamber bursting , associated with the application of furnace safety supervision system are discussed with several suggestions made .

  30. 火焰光度检测器气相色谱用于硫的检测线性范围很窄(10~2),作者借助BASIC程序判断、选择合适的校正曲线以达到处理数据的目的。

    The linearity region for measuring sulphur by FPD-gas chromatography is nar - row ( 10 ~ 2 ) . With the BASIC program a suitable calibration curve can be judged and chosen .