
  • 网络Revolution;DJANDY
  1. 我写了这首歌的合唱部分,最后这歌收入了他的第五张专辑“公转自转”。

    I had penned the chorus to a song that was eventually included in his fifth album Revolution .

  2. 天体公转自转的力学起因

    The mechanical initial cause of the celestial body rotation and Revolution

  3. 试论地球公转自转导致球面陆壳的北移

    A discussion about the northward migration of spherical continental crust resulted from the revolution and rotation of the earth

  4. 地球既公转又自转。

    The earth revolves both round the sun and on its own axis .

  5. 数值计算了CMC水溶液在内管做行星运动的环空中流动的流量,分析了流量与内管公转、自转速度和环空偏心距之间的关系。

    The flow rate of the CMC aqueous solution in annulus with the inner cylinder executing a planetary motion is numerically calculated , and the relations of the flow rate and the revolution , the rotation velocity of the inner cylinder and the eccentric distance are analyzed .

  6. 万有引力和向心力在行星公转和自转中的作用机制

    Action mechanism of gravitation and centripetal force on revolution and rotation of planets

  7. 天体的行星和它们的卫星公转和自转的运动,都是从右向左转。

    In their rotational and orbital movements , stars and their satellites go from right to left .

  8. 通过数学推导,获得了一种能同时实现旋轮公转和自转的计算公式。

    The calculation formulas considering both the revolution and rotation of the roller are obtained by means of the mathematic deduction .

  9. 理论分析表明:行星轮公转与自转的速比,影响着每个切削刀具的阻力矩的大小与方向;

    Theoretical study shows that the ratio of revolution velocity to rotation velocity will affect the magnitude and direction of resistance moment of all the cutters .

  10. 在分析月球公转与自转运动的基础上,分别提出了月食发生时刻与经度天平动幅度的简化计算方法。

    Based on analysis of revolution and rotation of the moon , simplified calculation methods of the time of lunar eclipse and libration in longitude are proposed .

  11. 光纤研磨机采用具有公转、自转复合的转台运动机构实现光纤端面的均匀研磨性能,适用于大批量生产光纤连接器件。

    Fiber muller is used in the mass product of fiber linkers which has the uniformity rubbing character to the fiber flank with the revolution and rotation turret .

  12. 分析了上述流动的流函数、切向速度和轴向速度分布与内管公转、自转速度和环空偏心距之间的关系。

    The relations of the distribution of the stream-function , the tangential velocity and the axial velocity with the revolution velocity , the rotation velocity of the inner cylinder and the eccentric distance are analyzed .

  13. 提高主轴刚性和旋转精度,控制滚动体的公转和自转打滑,应对高速精密角接触球轴承施加一定的预紧载荷。

    In order to increase rigidity and rotation accuracy , to control the revolution and rotation slip of the rolling elements , the certain preload should be applied on a high speed angular contact ball bearing .

  14. 通过对宇宙中有形运动物质绕系心公转而且自转这种普遍现象的研究,发现在宇宙中除已知的4种力外,还存在着第五种无形的旋转力;

    Through the most fundamental study on the motion phenomenon that the tangible motion substance revolving around the system center also revolves around its own axis in the universe , author found that the fifth intangible whirling force existed except for the known four forces in the universe ;

  15. 地球在绕着太阳公转的同时也自转。

    The earth spins as it moves around the sun .

  16. 每个工位小转盘上安装夹具,小转盘可以在中央转盘公转的基础上自转。

    Fixtures are installed on the small turntable of each table , and the small turntable can rotate on the basis of the revolution of the central rotary table .

  17. 行星式球磨机的工作原理是:在旋转盘的圆周上,装有4个即随转盘公转又做高速自转的球磨罐。

    The operation principle of the planet type ball mill is : Rotate circumference of record have , equip with 4 is it make with rotary table high-speed ball of rotation rub the pot to revolve round the sun promptly .