
ài cuò
  • love mistakenly;tend to make frequent mistakes
  1. 与某人坠入爱河(也写作tofallinlove):“他总是爱错了人!”

    To fall for someone = to fall in love : " He always falls for the wrong types !"

  2. 爱错了人,不如单身

    Stay Single Because It 's Better Than Dating The Wrong Person

  3. 我们中一些人爱错了男人。

    Some of us have fallen for the wrong man .

  4. 看来妈妈爱错了人,你是个大混蛋。

    Maybe mom fell for the wrong gangster .

  5. 我们的爱错在哪里?它曾经那么炙热我怎样才能让自己忘记?

    Where Did our love go wrong Once we were so strong How can I go on ?

  6. 不要寂寞爱错的人,更不用说错的人因为爱和孤独的生活。

    Do not be lonely love the wrong person , let alone the wrong person because of love and lonely life .

  7. 我们也许会爱错一个人,也许会因错的原因而哭泣,但有件事是千真万确的,这些过错会帮我们找到那个对的人。

    We may love the wrong person , cry for the wrong reason , but one thing is for sure , mistakes help us to find the right person .

  8. 在这世间,也许我们的爱是错。

    In a world that may say that we 're wrong .

  9. 恨生不和,爱晤万错。

    Hatred stirs up dissension but love coeves over all wrongs .

  10. 爱从来没有错,爱永远生生不息。

    Love is never wrong and so it never dies .

  11. 如果全心全意的爱你是错,那我是有罪的!

    If loving you with all my hearts is wrong , then I 'm guilty !

  12. 如果连爱你也是错,那还不如将我禁锢封锁起来!爱你的杰克。

    If loving you is wrong , then lock me up ! Love , Jakey Jack Twist ;

  13. 我曾经把本来要发给女儿的“我爱你”错发给了一位男同事。

    I have personally gotten into trouble with this one . I sent an " I love you " message intended for my daughter to a male co-worker .

  14. 如果爱你是错,我不要对;如果想你犯罪,枪毙我也心甘情愿。

    If it 's wrong to love you , I prefer not to be right ; if it 's criminal to miss you , I 'm most willing to be shot down .

  15. 以《爱一个人有错吗》为例的Flash课题设计

    To " Love A Person You Have the Wrong " as An Example of Flash Design Issues

  16. 我却认为这就是爱,是我错了么?

    I think this is love , what is wrong ?

  17. 爱你自己没有错

    There 's nothing wrong with loving who you are

  18. 上周末,欧洲用实际行动证明,这些爱唱反调的人错了。

    This weekend , Europe proved the naysayers wrong .

  19. 爱一个人没有错,但是你爱一个你爱的人,你就错了!

    Love a person is not wrong , but you love a person you love , you are wrong !

  20. 我爱了,我错了,只因不该暧昧不清,暧昧只会让人受尽委屈。

    Been love , been mistake , simply because shouldn 't so vagueness , shadiness only let you suffer all kinds of chagrin .